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help he delivered two very powerful messages to the Churches over the
weekend. The first was in Johannesburg where he addressed 1,246 members,
some from as far away as Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia). Another 1,000 were
hooked up by telephone. Sunday, Mr. Armstrong flew to Capetown and spoke to
another 388 members there. The apostle outlined the purpose of the Church,
our need to build perfect character, and ultimately our role as teachers
and Gods.
Before departing South Africa, Mr. Armstrong addressed the ministry, cover­
ing their roles in teaching Church members now. He also gave an update on
the current happenings in the Church.
(Editor's Note:
latest tri�
The next PGR will continue to report on Mr. Armstrong's
November 5, 1982
The mail processing and banking offices are now up to date, so we have com­
plete financial information for October. The increase for the year to date
was 10.1% over 1981. This is a little more of an increase overall than the
holy day offerings.
Even though we would like to have more for the departments, and especially
for the Great Commission, this is not a bad increase, considering current
economic conditions. The departments have been holding down expenses, so
projections for the year indicate there will be an increase in reserves
over last year.
We are trying hard to stay within the income God sends and also put some
into reserves, as we believe we should try to increase our reserves above
present levels.
Next week we begin the laborious process of preparing a budget for 1983.
Your prayers for those involved in this process and for the overall pros­
perity of the Work are appreciated.
--Leroy Neff, Treasurer
Recent Ordinations
Following is a list of men ordained, with Mr. Armstrong's approval, during
the fall feast season this year:
To Local Elder
William Bentley
Bruno Leclerc
Norman Myers
To Preaching Elder
Robert Flores, Jr.
Dan White
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Montreal (French), Quebec, Canada
Denver, Colorado
San Antonio-Uvalde, Texas
Texarkana, Texas/Mena, Arkansas/
Shreveport, Louisiana