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It's been encouraging to see the attitudes of warmth, cooperation and
loyalty which have prevailed throughout these trips. The increased unity
and togetherness experienced are of inestimable value. As a result, the
daily mailing operations of the Work of God around the world are becoming
more unified.
Malachi 3:8-10 Being Fulfilled Today
Because of the recent articles on tithing in the October/November issue of
The GOOD NEWS, we thought it would be appropriate to include some up-to­
date letters from readers on how tithing has affected their lives. As the
following comments show, Malachi 3: 8-10 is fulfilled in miraculous ways
when the laws of God are either obeyed or disobeyed.
Tithing--Only Way to Make Ends Meet
Right now times are hard for everyone. Money is scarce and very
precious to me as my husband is one of the nine million out of
work in this country. Yet God always seems to provide for our
family and has rescued us out of several trying situations
lately. Every time, shortly after I send you a tithe, I receive
money out of the blue from various people or places. I always get
back ten
and then some. It is the only way we can
make ends meet right now.
Mrs. J.N. (Detroit, MI)
Blessings and Opportunities in Third Tithe Year
This is our first third tithe year. The past years had been a
struggle with losing job after job for keeping God's Holy Days.
But we kept going. Then soon after our third tithe year began,
the job hoped for came along. This job has great security with a
growing industry, no discrimination, plus advancement opportun­
ities. Also shortly after this, an escrow check from our savings
and loan arrived.
There have been many things like this, just when we needed them,
and we thank God everyday for what we have learned and the many
blessings we have received. Many thanks for your continued in­
struction in God's ways which can only lead to blessings.
L. & D.W. (Hartselle, AL)
Desires Fulfilled in Third Tithe Year
There is something I just have to tell you. God sure does work
miracles. We have wanted a second baby for about five years now
and two years ago I was anointed. Now I am expecting in January.
The amazing thing is that it is our third tithe year.
Also, my husband started building a house long before we were
married and never finished it because we decided to live closer
to his job. He had been trying to sell it for a long time. About
a month ago it sold. We got a small down payment and will be
getting a certain sum each month. Again, these monthly payments
are coming right in our third tithe year.