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Dear Mr. Tkach:
Thank you for the opportunity to attend session nine of the
second Ministerial Refreshing Program. We found the lectures
inspiring and profitable, though I was on the verge of getting
writer's cramp near the end of the course (from all the note­
taking) .
To us personally it seemed that, whereas the first Ministerial
Refreshing Program was designed to get us back on the track where
needed, this second course focused more on practical information
for us in teaching, encouraging and working with the Churches.
Mr. Armstrong's admonition to take a sense of urgency back to
the Churches was greatly appreciated. I also appreciated the
question session at the end being handled by all the available
evangelists collectively.
In my notes I still have information for a number of sermons that
I intend to give after the Feast of Tabernacles. So thank you
once again for the opportunity to have attended this course, and
please convey our gratitude to Mr. Herbert
Frank and Kathy Nelte
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
FAULK: Let Mr. Armstrong know that he is
shaking up the "Bible Belt" with the TV programs. Many of the
PM's who have been listening for five to seven years are now
responding. About every third call is from someone who has heard
the program. I have never experienced anything like this! These
people are well read, having read most of our material.
were even visited years ago, but did not make the change until
MT. VERNON, IL--HAROLD SMITH: PM activity is really beginning to
pick up. These are solid PM's, not the casually interested like
ve had in the past.
The explanation is the excellent TV
coverage we now have on the Harrisburg, Illinois station.
MIAMI, FL--AL KERSHA: Prospective member activity continues to
get stronger in both quantity and quality than in past months and
years. More people are showing up for Bible studies and seem to
be fellowshipping more.
FAYETTEVILLE, AR--JOHN R. ELLIOTT: The tapes and articles, news
of the Work, and member letters are real "shots in the arm" to
everyone. We are all thankful for the shaking up and correction
Mr. Armstrong gives from time to time. Being in the world work­
ing week after week and in school, etc., the brethren's drive and
zeal tends to wane. We need continuing admonition as a Church.
BINGHAMTON, NY--BRITTON M. TAYLOR: Many comments have been made
that Mr. Armstrong's last two sermon tapes were exceptionally
powerful and inspiring.