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We are thankful that we were able to see and be taught by Mr.
Armstrong. His address was delivered with so much love, humil­
ity, and power.
It was a real eye-opener to be at Headquarters and see the magni­
tude and scope of God's Work. It truly is a miracle that so much
is being accomplished by so few.
We also appreciated your taking the time to talk with us. I thor­
oughly enjoy being a part of God's ministry. It's such a fantas­
tic calling to be able to serve God's chosen people.
Catching Up With the Feast Backlog
David and Sandra Fentress
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
The Mail Processing staff enjoyed a tremendous festival season. All are
now back on the job catching up with the Feast backlog. Thankfully the
backlog amounts to only 115,000 pieces of mail, not counting holy day of­
fering envelopes. This low inventory is made possible by beefing up the
Mail Processing staff and training on-call employees to help in peak mail
situations. Teamwork and cooperation have also played a major role in min­
imizing the backlog. We are looking forward to a great year.
First Contacts With God's Work
People come in contact with God's Work in unusual and varied ways. Here are
some remarkable accounts of what first prompted interest in the Work for
certain individuals.
The other day I was walking through town when I found a copy of
your magazine laying on a street corner. I picked it up and took
it to the city park to read. I must confess that I didn't leave
the park until I had read the whole magazine. I was very im­
pressed by it. I would like it very much if you would start
sending me your monthly printings of The PLAIN TRUTH.
J.M. (Paso Robles, CA)
Every Sunday morning since the last Sunday in October a year ago,
I have been enchanted listening to your Godly programs on tele­
vision. On that Sunday last October I was not sure if it was the
day the clock should have been turned back an hour. I turned on
the TV as a clue. I then became acquainted with you for the first
time •... There is always something of value to look forward to.
You have enlightened me with your magnetic instructions.
Mrs. P.V. (Broomall, PA)
Several weeks ago, my husband and I were spending the night at
the Stockton Inn, in Stockton, California.
The following morn­
ing, which was Sunday, we happened to turn on the TV to catch up
on the latest news and tuned in on a program already in progress.
It happened to be your meeting with President Mubarak. At the
end of the program, I copied your name and address and sent away