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SHARON: You remind me of Ambassador Habib who refrained a smile
each time he read or pronounced the word "combatants." In fact
he knew my reaction. No, madam. They were not combatants, not
even in Beirut. When you enter [as the P.L.O. did] a surgery room
of a hospital where the ooctors are trying to save a wounded man,
and you disconnect his oxygen wires, you order him away to make
room for your own wounded, you aren't a soldier. You are a ter­
rorist, a murderer.
The Syrians don't behave that way, the Jordanians don't behave
that way, the Egyptians don't behave that way. Arafat's killers
do. Always. Since always. We had dozens of military installa­
tions at our borders with Lebanon, yet they never attacked them.
They always shot the children, the women, the old people. [Note
how Amalek behaved: Deut. 25:17-18.] Cowards! Ask me anything,
don't ask me to call them soldiers.
FALLACI:•.•For weeks you bombed those civilians in the most
ferocious way, an amount of fire that I have never seen in a
war.•••You bombed•.•the houses, the hospitals, the hotels, the
schools, the embassies••••
SHARON: No, no, no, no! We hit them because they were next to
the military installations which made them targets! we hit them
because the terrorists hid themselves behind the population!
Look at these aerial photos. At 120 meters from the Vatican
Embassy, a mortar battery of 82 mm. At 15 meters from the Egyp­
tian Embassy, another battery like that. At 300 meters from the
Soviet Embassy, a good part of the heavy artillery and middle
range artillery. At a few dozen meters from the Japanese and
Chilean Embassies, again middle range and heavy artillery. Next
to the Spanish Embassy, a 130 mm cannon. All around the American
Embassy, a number of tanks. Do you really believe, for a moment,
that we wanted to shell the American Embassy, the Egyptian Em­
bassy, all the other embassies?
FALLACI: All right, I agree••••! prefer to say that, here you
are right.••• Besides, the P.L.O. kept the anti aircraft guns 2!l
the roof of the hospitals. But the point isn't this. It is the
exaggeration, the disproportion of your bombing••••Why did you go
on with that massacre even when they had agreed to leave? And why
when the agreement had been reached, on August 11, thanks to
Habib, did you order the most ferocious bombing of all, 12 end­
less hours that caused almost 600 dead?
SHARON: Because Arafat continued�
lie. Be­
cause he made a joke of us, that liar. You can never trust him,
you � never trust them.
They live
shrewdness and they
always betray their word, their agreements. Even during the ex­
pulsion they did. They had agreed to give their names, for in­
stance, instead they haven't. They had agreed not to board jeeps
and trucks, instead they tried to. On August 11 they still de­
manded that we withdrew from Beirut, to be substituted by the
international forces. So I bombed them, yes••••But it worked.
The following night•••they bent to our conditions.
And I