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All-time Record for New People
More people were added to the file in the first eight months of this year
than in the first 30 years of the Work's history. So far, 964,791 new names
have been added. By the end of the year this number will have climbed to
more than one million names.
The major sources for these adds are The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and The WORLD
TOMORROW telecast.
Ministerial WATS Line Reminder
Occasionally, ministers will call in on the Work's media WATS line (800-
423-4444) for information other than routine literature requests.
As you may remember, these lines are used primarily by viewers responding
to Mr. Armstrong's programs.
Our operators are trained to take these
calls, but are not equipped to handle administrative questions dealing with
computer listings, changes of address, etc.
For help in these matters
please dial 800-423-4464 which is a number in MPC specifically for your
use. {An exception would be if this line was out of commission. In this
case, please call on the literature request line to report it.)
Thanks always for your help and continued cooperation.
Feast Fever Is Mounting!
With the Feast of Tabernacles only days away, anticipation for another
"great Feast" is mounting. Brethren are eagerly looking forward to spiritĀ­
ual instruction and fellowship at the different Feast sites. Here now are
some enthusiastic comments recently received.
I am really looking forward to the Feast. Singing hymns with
6,000 or more brethren does something to you!
The microwave
transmissions are really a blessing. God must be pleased with
how the Work is being humanly led, or He wouldn't bless us this
way. I'll never forget that first microwave transmission--! was
in Norfolk. It was a thrill, singing "Sing Praises and Rejoice"
{one of my favorite hymns) , with 6,000 other people plus the
feastgoers in Tucson. I can only imagine how God felt, hearing
so many voices sing!
J.S. (Harrisburg, PA)
I'm beginning to get "Feast fever"! Thank God for giving His
people the truth about His holy days!!
D.F. (Sulphur, OK)
I am looking forward with great anticipation to the upcoming
Feast of Tabernacles when we can meet with God's people, sharing
great love, peace and joy, picturing the soon-coming Millennium
with Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of all. This is my
most joyous time of the year.
H.D. {Chippewa Lake, OH)
I'm really looking forward to the fall festival season and, of
course, especially the Feast of Tabernacles when we have the