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Many thanks for the recent newsletter of July 16. It is great to
read what is actually happening in our fast deteriorating world
today. It is most evident that the end is fast approaching. May
God hear our prayers and save us. May He also bless you for the
wonderful work you do.
H.S. (Paso Robles, CA)
I received the latest issue of The PLAIN TRUTH and found it very
inspiring--especially the article about nuclear war. It gives a
lot of hope in the face of the horrors that will occur, despite
the best efforts to control the "nuclear genie" that science has
let out of the bottle.
Your TV program on this subject was deeply moving. I really pray
for you and this great Work of God for speaking out and preaching
the message of hope in a world where no hope exists.
G.G. (Girard, OH)
I agree with you that this is the end time. There are many things
happening such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, crime, etc.
The world is so full of hatred and violence, with neighbors hat­
ing one another. I will be so glad to see this old world die away
and a new world born with Jesus Christ here to set things right.
N.D. (Frederick, OK)
I read your semiannual letter and do understand that we are liv­
ing in troublesome times. So many of our young people have gone
astray. They are on drugs or alcohol. The Bible
true and we
are near the close of this age. Your message is a warning to
everyone that will heed it.
L.S. (Coweta, OK)
Thank you for your recent letter warning us of the perilous times
we are actually living in now. I believe all you say and write on
the subject. All signs seem to point to the end of this era and
the return of our King--Jesus.
Ms. A.M. (Brooklyn, NY)
In this world of Babylonian confusion, it is rather refreshing
receive a magazine like The PLAIN TRUTH.
I pray to the most
merciful Almighty God to bring this great mess--the so-called in­
telligent civilization mankind as created in this twentieth cen­
tury--to a final climactic end, so long as it fits His great mas­
ter plan.
S.K. (Burbank, CA)
Thank you so much for your recent coworker letter. The informa­
tion you gave us is vital, in that it shows us how earnestly and
often we should pray for you and God's Work. The events seem to
be rushing along at an accelerated speed compared to even one
year ago. Each day brings us nearer the culmination in Christ's
Mrs. S.E. (Cleveland, TX)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center