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carry out His way in a spirit of love and cooperation. What is
being done at Headquarters sets us an example out in the field
and we surely want to do our best to follow what is being taught
and done.
Vince and Carol Szymkowiak
Dear Mr. Tkach:
The Ministerial Refreshing Program--according to its very appro­
priate name--was extremely refreshing. Thanks to Mr. Herbert W.
Armstrong, you, the other ministers and staff members who brought
such instructive and inspiring lectures combined with question­
and-answer periods.
The program brought into focus how our
heavenly Father works through His Church government, inspiring
His apostle, Mr. Herbert Armstrong, with new spiritual material
year by year--material for the knowledge, understanding, wisdom
and growth of His whole Church.
To me the most inspiring and refreshing statement made was when
Mr. Armstrong, just finishing his ninetieth year, said, "I have
learned more in the last year than I have learned any other year
of my life, and� important the things that! have learned in
the past year." Thankfully, through Mr. Armstrong God is gradual­
ly letting us and our congregations learn those "more important
It is also inspiring to witness God's government getting "back on
the track" at Headquarters. With God's help, I as a field pastor
hope to relay that refreshing experience to the local congreg­
ation. Again, thanks to all of you who are working with the Re­
freshing Program.
Baird, Jr.
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Our deepest appreciation to Mr. Armstrong, you and the other mem­
bers of the Headquarters team who designed such a very positive
and inspirational programme for all of us who attended the most
recent Ministerial Refreshing Programme. As
a local
Church elder
who never dreamed he would ever have been given such an invalua­
ble opportunity, I now sincerely hope that as a result of the
programme--of having been taught and encouraged by Mr. Armstrong
and the others at Headquarters--! shall be better able to assist
the pastor and the other ministers of this area more effectively.
Trevor and DeHavilland Brown
Minister's Wife Expresses Gratitude
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I was deeply inspired and moved by your latest tape sent out to
the Church. It is so obvious that God is working mightily in you
--urging us to wake up. You are waking me up!
My husband is a minister. I want you to know that we are in dead
earnest in our desire to serve in restoring God's Kingdom and His
Way to this earth. We really believe in it.