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Media Services videotaped Mr. Armstrong's reactions as phone calls in
response to the telecast on seven television stations came in at the same
time. You may see excerpts of this visit in the Feast film or as part of
the telecast.
PLAIN TRUTH Comments From Around the World
As The PLAIN TRUTH circulation grows, increasing numbers of people are com­
menting on its impact on their lives. This week we are featuring comments
about The PLAIN TRUTH from around the world.
Never in my life have I received a free subscription to a maga­
zine like The PLAIN TRUTH. I want to thank you personally for
this privilege that you are offering us. I'm taking all the
advantage I can from your magazine. I have enjoyed reading the
articles and sharing them with my peers. We also find time to
watch your TV program.
C.D. (Iriga City, Philippines)
at a newsstand
earlier this
year, I have enjoyed reading the magazine and been challenged by
its articles. Enclosed is a request for some more of your book­
lets. In addition, I would like to receive your Correspondence
Course, if this is possible. It looks to be a good introduction
to a full Bible study.
D.H. (Wellington, New Zealand)
I want to express my thanks to you today--for what?--for your
publication, KLAR & WAHR. Your magazine is an enriching addition
to today's German literature. In it, you address a particular
circle of readers--people who can see the need to become acti­
vated by your articles.
It means a lot to me to express how thoroughly fulfilling I find
your publication. Informing your readers in a style that is
true-to-1ife and yet easily understood by anyone, you seem to
condense into one word the very meaning of life. And for this, I
once again express my thanks and wish you further success in all
your future endeavors.
K.R. (West Berlin, West Germany)
Thank you very much for your magazine. It's very useful to me.
I'm a teacher.
My pupils need to talk about the problems
addressed, because some of them are
close to them (e.g.,
alcoholism/divorced parents).
The PLAIN TRUTH brings many
answers and a lot of information about life. My pupils and I
thank you very much.
Miss C.M. (Belgium)
Many, many thanks for The PLAIN TRUTH. Though the magazine is in
the language "that God chose to speak today," I understood all
the articles and features very well. Thank you for presenting
all the controversies, facts and solutions so beautifully in
plain, simple and interesting language.
P.S. (India)