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Mr. Armstrong explained that in order to really understand the
purpose for Ambassador College, one needs to go right back to the
beginning. He reviewed how Lucifer rebelled against God and then
later wasted no time in the Garden of Eden. Adam cut himself off
from God and all of Adam's progeny has followed blindly in Satan's
ways. Man's mind, cut off from God and His Holy Spirit, is confined
to the physcial and the material. Thus higher education is based
100% on the carnality of human reason -- tempted and deceived by
Satan, the god of this world. Man's system of education is there­
fore cut off from knowledge of the spiritual things of God. The
huff and puff and vanity of this world's limited, physical, material
realms has no place in God's college.which is to be a bastion of
spiritual truth, true values and God
s way of life in Satan's
darkened world.
Immediately following are excerpts from that part of Mr. Armstrong's
talk which deals specifically with his plans to make God's College
a four-year institution. Mr. Rader also spoke to the students for
a few minutes after Mr. Armstrong concluded his message, and so we
are also including his brief, but interesting comments.
My son wanted accreditation. I didn't. He kept after me and
kept after me. I said, "This is God's college. It will not be if
we get accredited and if the world speaks well of us. God says,
'Woe be to you when the world thinks well of you.'" But he said,
"Dad, we can get accreditation and still keep this God's college."
And he kept saying that and saying that. Finally I said, "Well, look,
if you can do it and keep this as God's college, okay." Now he says
to the public press I wanted accreditation. That is not true! I
never did want it. He wanted it. I finally acquiesced and let him go
ahead with it.
So they started loading this college with PhDs from other
universities who had all this very thing this college was created
to be different from, and to cast out and to see that it never crept
in. But it crept in and it came to the place where this was no
longer God's college.
Now this year I have had to start all over with one freshman
class, like we did in 1947 -- one freshman class. Now we're going
to teach you things that God revealed. That's what we're going to
teach and hope that it will make sense to you. If God does not open
your minds to understand it, I can't help that.
But we've had to start all over. You can't take something that
is ruined like this college was and turn it around with the professors
that were in here who didn't believe what we believe and didn't believe
what God believes and teaches, and who don't believe God. Maybe they
believe in God. That's something else again. That's believing there
is a . personage. But believing God is believing what He says, and
obeying what He says.
God is back in this college and it is not like other colleges.
The way of life in this college -is different and going to stay