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Youth Praise S.E.P.
This year's S.E.P.--both in Minnesota and Texas--was another great success.
Many youths who attended camp have written expressing their appreciation
for the opportunities afforded them. Here is a sampling of the letters re­
ceived in Mail Processing.
I am writing concerning the Summer Educational Program for teen­
agers in God's Church.
The three weeks were the greatest I have ever had in my life.
S.E.P. gave me a chance to make new friends and try new experi­
ences. It helped me to work on my attitude, and to start planning
my life. I have so many precious memories that will last for the
rest of my life. I would sincerely like to thank Mr. Armstrong
for opportunities like S.E.P., and all the things that Y.O.U. has
to offer young people in God's Church. I think if any teens in
God's Church have the chance to go to S.E.P., they should take
L.A. (Chillicothe, OH)
I'm writing to express my deepest gratitude to you for paying a
part of my tuition to attend S.E.P. at Big Sandy, Texas this
year. It was an experience that I will never forget.•••Without
your help, and that of a very kind and generous widow in my local
church area, it would not have been possible for me to go. This
was the first time I had ever been to Texas, and Ambassador Col­
lege was the best place I could have hoped to go to••••I learned
many things at camp this year--not just physical skills, but also
spiritual lessons••••All the instructors and counselors did a
wonderful job. Thank you once again for the opportunity to grow
and build strong friendships at S.E.P.
E.B. (London, KY)
I just returned from the second session of S.E.P. (Orr, Minne­
sota) and it was wonderful. I saw you and it was like a dream
come true.
D.B. (Jamaica, NY)
I am writing to tell you what a great time I had at S.E.P. (Orr,
Minnesota). I never dreamed that I would have such a great time.
The love and friendships that grew in three short weeks could
never be formed at any other camp outside the Church. Thank you
for letting me have the opportunity to experience it--I loved
every second. I hope everyone that goes will enjoy and learn as
much as I did.
J•Y. (Lexington, NB )
Thanks to you, Mr. Armstrong, I've had a wonderful summer being
able to go to S.E.P. I made new friends and learned how to do
things I never knew before. But above all, I learned to better
get along with people and to consider them before myself. I also
learned that getting close to God is the most important thing. I