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four hour coverage is provided for 1-800-423-4464, so if it is not answered
promptly there is a maintenance problem with the line.
Following is the procedure to use if no answer is received when calling
4464: If the matter is urgent, you should dial direct--either 213-577-5000
(which is the switchboard) or the number of the person you desire to speak
It would be very helpful if you would call 1-800-423-4444 and let the
Telephone Response personnel know that you have been trying the Ministerial
WATS number, but that it is not being answered. You should ask Telephone
Response to notify the switchboard so that the line can be repaired.
How to Find Missing Members
Ministerial Services receives a sufficient number of questions regarding
missing members that we felt it would be beneficial to give a few pointers
on finding these people.
Step 1: Check with Mail Processing to see if there has been an address
change. Normally, if we've mailed you a recent listing with these people's
addresse� there would be no change, but where there might be more of a time
lapse involved, MPC might be able to help.
Step 2: If there is no change in the address, ask MPC if there is a
"postal return" notation on the person's file or whether mail is still
being sent. If the post office has sent even one piece of mail back to us,
we will have stopped all mail until we receive verification of the accurate
Please review the article entitled "Missing Members" in the
November 20, 1981 PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT.
Step 3:
Check with telephone information locally for the telephone
number. Be sure to specify that it might be under "new listings."
Step 4: Go to the address you have. If the people you're looking for
aren't residing there, check with the landlord or current tenants.
Step 5: Check with family members and friends.
Step 6: Send a certified or registered letter with a return receipt
requested and request an address correction. When the receipt is returned
it will carry the new address, if there is one available.
Step 7: If the people are residing at the address you have, but are
"never home" so you can visit them, send a return receipt requested letter
with a "contact me or else" context.
International News
New Zealand/South Pacific News Mr. Armstrong's latest semiannual letter
was sent to just under 40,000 PLAIN TRUTH subscribers during July, and by
the end of the month over 3,600 responses had been returned to the office.
Of those responding, 2,032 {56%) have asked for THE UNITED STATES AND BRIT­
(91%) have taken the opportunity to renew their PLAIN TRUTH subscriptions.