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P.�GE 6
Of all the preachers I have heard on TV, he is the best. I will
watch him again next Sunday.
Mrs. W.W. (Milwaukee, WI)
I really appreciate Mr. Armstrong's method of teaching.
doesn't force people to believe. He shows clearly from the Bible
itself what the truth is--especially in the recent program on
Revelation. I have heard many inter?retations, but never one so
plain and simple as Mr. Armstrong's.
G.J. (Los Angeles, CA)
I don't know anyone who knows the fundamentals of the Bible as
Mr. Armstrong does. It's not only what he says, but the way he
speaks. He speaks with authority and knowledge.
D.A. (Bourbonnais, IL)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
HERPES--PROMISCUITY'S PAINFUL PENALTY A most remarkable article appeared
in this week's (August 2, 1982) issue of TIME magazine. In fact, at least
in the �orth American edition, it was the cover story, titled "The New
Scarlet Letter," subtitled: "Herpes, an incurable virus, threatens to undo
the sexual revolution."
It would be worthwhile for all in the ministry to obtain a copy of this
issue, or at least a photocopy of the article from a nearby public library.
For those around the world who are unable to do so, I felt it would be good
to sumrnarize it here, along with some comments and quotes. The article
begins as follows:
After chastity slouched off into exile in the '60s, the sexual
revolution encountered little resistance. Indeed, in the age of
the Pill, Penthouse Pets and porn-movie cassettes, the revolution
looked so sturdily permanent that sex seemed to subside into a
simple consumer item. Now, suddenly•..herpes, an ancient viral
infection that can be transmitted during sex, recurs fitfully and
cannot be cured •••has emerged from relative obscurity and
explodedinto a full-fledged epidemic. "The truth about life in
the United States in the 1980s," says Dr. Kevin Murphy of Dallas,
one of the nation's leading herpes researchers, "is that if you
are going to have sex, you are going to have to take the risk of
getting herpes."
An estimated 20 million Americans� have genital heroes, with
as many as half a million new cases expected this year••••Those
remarkable numbers are altering sexual rites in America, changing
courtship patterns, sending thousands of sufferers spinning into
months of depression and self-exile and delivering a numbing blow
to the one-night stand.
The herpes counterrevolution may be
ushering� reluctant, grudging chastity back into fashion. Eight
years ago, Alex Comfort, the expansive apostle of coitus [and
author of JOY OF SEX] could say of sex: "There is nothina to be
afraid of and never was.
Now, in the Age of Herpes, Playboy