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is a success. Even though
forced the magazine out of
quickly opened up.
The PLAIN TRUTH distribution program
some local Protestant churches have
some stores, more new outlets have
ROANOKE, VA--ROBERT PERSKY: The GN is always fantastic! The PT
is hard hitting and very interesting. The TV telecasts the best
ever. Y.O.U. and Y.E.S. are a wonderful success. God is pouring
out His blessings everywhere. I have never known it to be so good
in the true Church.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
God is continuing to bless Mr. Armstrong's efforts to put the Church back on
the right track by granting ever-increasing growth in PT subscriptions.
Thanks to Mr. Armstrong's very dynamic and revitalized television program
and the diligent efforts by our 7,000-member team of newsstand representa­
tives, during the first six months of 1982 over 700,000 new subscribers
have been added to the PT mailing list. This increase is already 80% of the
total number added during all of 1981.
It also represents the same number
of subscribers added in 1979 and 1980 combined!
More than 70% of all new subscribers this year have come from newsstands, TV
programs, and blow-in cards. This increase of new subscribers has raised
the U.S. subscription level to 1,891,000 with the August issue.
Worldwide circulation at this point, including newsstands, is at 4,820,000.
It is interesting to note that many of the new subscribers are coming from
the major metropolitan areas of the U.S. These areas have historically
yielded few subscribers. For example, the New York area has advanced 46
places in the past nine months in rank of PT penetration. Chicago and Phil­
adelphia have increased 56 and 54 places in rank respectively. These ad­
vances reflect the substantial increase in media coverage for these areas
from TV, newsstands and display items.
The most spectacular increase has been in the Hartford/New Haven area,
which has risen in rank of PT penetration 102 places. It is interesting to
note that the Hartford/New Haven Church area distributes the largest number
of PT newsstand magazines in the U.S.
We are now reaching one out of every 25 households in the United States. At
this rate of growth, we should reach the five million circulation level by
the end of 1982.
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services
People Looking to God's Work for Solutions
Since The PLAIN TRUTH circulation and media coverage for Mr. Armstrong's
broadcast have greatly increased this year, so have letters from listeners
and subscribers seeking for help with their personal problems. Many are
turning to God and His Work for answers. This type of mail has increased
100% over the first six months of last year.