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Khomeini have mounted a long-expected counter-offensive into Iraq. The
attack appears to have been blunted for the moment. But observers feel that
the Ayatollah will not give up until he succeeds in installing his Islarnic­
fundamentalist, anti-West "new order" not only in Iraq, but throughout the
entire Islamic world. Should that occur the fate of Western industrial
civilization, still dependent upon Middle East oil, would be at his mercy!
Just what does the 82-year-old supreme leader of the Iranian revolution
have in mind?
Abbas Amirie, executive director of Iran' s Institute for
International Affairs from 1973 to 1979, wrote the following for the LOS
ANGELES TIMES, July 18, 1982:
The original border dispute over the Shatt al Arab waterway [has]
been overshadowed by� much larger goal� being pursued� the
Khomeini regime: exoansion of the Islamic revolution throughout
the � uff and, perhaps, the entire secular Arab world••••
s ultimate aim is fraught with such great peril that one
cannot calculate its consequences••••
Khomeini reiterated his vision on June 22, the eve of the holy
month of Ramadan, telling a group of religious leaders:
Tehran wins the war, the oppressed Iraqi people will join the
Iranian people in installing an Islamic state in accordance with
their wishes. And when our two nations unite, the smaller na­
tions of the r�gion will join us."
Khomeini and his fundamentalist supporters sincerely believe that
most of the present political, education and economic systems of
the Islamic countries are Western institutions imposed upon these
states in order to exploit them and to destroy Islam, its vital­
ity and value. They are convinced that if pro-Western regimes
are replaced by Islamic government (their version) and the West's
influence eliminated, Muslim societies, armed with Islamic laws
and values, will unite and create a force and a civilization far
superior to those of the West and the East. And so the Ayatollah
Khomeini--and, for different reasons, his leftist supporters-­
are determined to eliminate the pro-Western governments of the
region one� one•.•Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and the
United Arab Emirates and Oman. The West must not allow this to
-- ---
TIME magazine featured the Ayatollah (TIME spells it "Ayatullah") on the
cover of its July 26, 1982 issue, with the title "Iran on the March" and a
subtitle comprising a quote from Khomeini: "This is a war between Islam and
blasphemy." Here are the key excerpts of this article:
With the outbreak of fighting on Iraqi territory, one of the most
feared of Middle East scenarios was unfolding. The Arab world
was already in disarray over Israel's invasion of Lebanon seven
weeks ago ••••With no end to the siege of West Beirut in sight,
another non-Arab country, Iran, had invaded Arab territory and
seemed, moreover, to have a better-than-even chance of unseating
the ruling government.
At immediate risk were the moderate,
hereditary regimes of Saudi Arabia and the rest of the gulf. But
the Ayatullah Khomeini's vow was�� explosive: to press
on to Jerusalem, to liberate the Holy C1ty and overwhelm all
enemies of Islam.