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awesome realization in my personal life that the great Creator
God of the universe is really working with us--all these show
that this is the Work of God! I have always believed this since
becoming ariiember of God's Church. However, I keep believing it
with deeper and deeper understanding as God reveals all these
wonderful truths through Mr. Armstrong.
L.F. (Tremont, IL)
It was wonderful to hear you on tape. Our future is so fantastic
that it is on the verge of being unbelievable!
Keep preaching
God's Word--expound and correct. We are 100 percent behind you
and the Work of God.
Mr • & Mrs • M•J • (Aumsvi11e, OR)
Thank you for your two latest sermon tapes ••.•I guess you could
say we are like the frog put in a frying pan with the heat slowly
turned up. We don't realize how bad the world is getting because
things have been worsening so slowly. We adjust and get hardened
to it. We need someone to wake us up to what is really happening.
B.B. (Richfield, MN)
Mr. Armstrong, thank you for the taped sermon on survival and be­
ing ready for the time when we have to stand up and be counted.
We really needed it to wake up and remind us not to take every­
thing for granted. We have to draw closer to God and obey Him.
My prayers are always with you in this great Work of Almighty
Mrs. M.W. (Pacifica, CA)
The messages you have been delivering are getting more and more
dynamic. On the tape last Sabbath you explained to us the King­
dom of God and our place in God's plan with such zeal that I felt
a tingling inside. Thank you for the time, effort and energy you
are exerting daily for the Work.
We are behind you and want you to know that we are trying, with
God's help, to follow your excellent example. Hopefully, we are
growing in grace and knowledge as we are supposed to be.
Mrs. R.W. (Albany, OR)
Thank you very much for the recent tapes sent out to be played in
all Churches. They were dynamite--and truly did move many off of
their seats of complacency as the near-future was portrayed so
vividly. Thanks for continuing to align the track on which we
race to eternity!
B.S. (Fort Worth, TX)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
The hot wind of war is once again blowing across the desert wastelands at
the head of the Persian Gulf. After finally ridding Iranian soil of Iraqi
invaders who stormed in nearly two years ago, the legions of the Ayatollah