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I picked up one of your sample copies while doing my laundry one
day in Shelby, North Carolina.
W.B. (Jacksonville, FL)
I picked up
copy of The PLAIN TRUTH in a supermarket near home.
Of course, I had seen it several years ago.
M.E. (Scranton, PA)
I recently visited my home town of Watertown, Wisconsin and was
surprised to find a few copies of The PLAIN TRUTH magazine in the
entranceway of one of the large discount supermarkets. I live
across the street from an extremely large food store and laundro­
mat. It would be nice to see copies of The PLAIN TRUTH in both
places. I don't think they would be wasted.
R.T. (Island Lake, IL)
I was so glad I decided to pick up your magazine off the counter
of my neighborhood discount store.
P.G. (Cleveland, OH)
I picked up the free sample copy of your magazine and enjoyed it
very much. Enclosed you will find a subscription reauest card
and a $5.00 donation to help.
A New Record Weekend in Mail Received
L.W. (Topeka, KS)
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services
Mail Processing has just experienced the highest weekend for incoming mail
in the Work's history! 54,589 letters and cards were received on July 17th
and 18th. This outstanding mail volume is the result of Mr. Armstrong's
semiannual letter to all subscribers. So far 72,604 people have sent their
request for the books Mr. Armstrong advertised.
78% of TV Responses Are New Callers
Multiple thousands of people have called the Work's toll-free number to re­
quest literature offered on the telecast. In evaluating our records we
find that 78% of these calls are from brand new people who are making their
first contact with God's Work. The fact that so many new people are calling
in is a very encouraging trend.
Mr. Armstrong's Sermon Tapes Inspire Members
We have received a number of letters from members who have been particular­
ly inspired and motivated by Mr. Armstrong's recent sermon tapes. Hearing
new aspects of God's plan expounded and being reminded of the shortness of
time have moved them to put forth a renewed effort.
We recently heard two tapes by Mr. Armstrong at Sabbath services.
I often wonder how things can get any more exciting, but they
still do. The new depths of understanding, the continuing accom­
plishments in reaching the world with the true Gospel, the