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quite a plague of whooping cough during June. It got started
because some parents didn't require their children to stay home
at the beginning stages of the sickness.
The strain of economic hard
times is showing up more and more in the lives of the brethren.
Many can't do like they used to do. Unemployment continues to
grow in the area. Nevertheless, the brethren are spared for the
most part.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Newsstand Program Surges Ahead
Exciting news from Publishing Services! We have been able to implement Mr.
Armstrong's decision to expand the newsstand PLAIN TRUTH copy from 32 pages
to 48 pages, beginning with the October/November combined issue.
Mr. Armstrong stated this would give the magazine the proper balance of
copy to appeal to a much broader spectrum of the reading populace. He has
instructed us that 48 pages should be available to all readers of The PLAIN
TRUTH, whether they be subscribers or people who pick it up from the news­
stands. Details of this change to 48 pages and the impact upon the local
pastor will be forthcoming from our circulation department.
Letters From Newsstand Subscribers
We thought the local managers of our newsstand program would enjoy some
letters from readers who have subscribed through the newsstand program.
Periodically we will gather certain letters that we feel would be encour­
aging to your local representatives. Without question, the local newsstand
program is making a major contribution toward getting God's Gospel out to
the world.
You are so right. It is the most informative magazine I've ever
seen and right up to the minute..•. ! read your magazine and then
leave it in our library for others to read. I hope you keep tell­
ing it like it is. People need to know the truth.
Mrs. R.H. (Rock Island, IL)
Thank the kind people who have so generously provided for a sub­
scription to The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and the Bible Correspond­
ence Course. To spread the good news, I've made sort of a library
loan copy of my PLAIN TRUTH magazine. On the front cover I have
written five names of my neighbors. Each checks his name as he
passes the issue on to the next person and finally it comes back
to me. One teaches History, and another English Literaturer so
the news gets publicity.
Sister M.P. (Cleveland, OH)
We stopped at a little restaurant here in California and I picked
up one of your PLAIN TRUTH magazines.
M • s. (RiVerside, GA)