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Ministerial Refreshing Program in June.
We realize the hard
work, planning, patience and effort that goes into the whole
program, and we appreciate it very much. We needed each lecture,
and the notes, handouts and impact of each will come in very
useful in the future.
Paul and Ronda Luecke
Dear Mr. Tkach:
WOW! That is the best word to describe the Ministerial Refresh­
ing Program. Jan and I want you to know how much we appreciate
the blessing of being able to attend. Not only for us, but what
we can bring back and give to the two congregations we serve.
The only thing I brought back with sadness from the program was
the nine pound souvenir around my waistline. Again, our thanks;
it was fantastic!
Stuart and Jan Segall
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Words cannot express the deep thanks for the privilege of allow­
ing us to attend the Ministerial Refreshing Program.
It has
given both my wife and me a better perspective of where we fit in,
and we now realize even more that we are here to serve and prepare
the flock for the Kingdom of God. The program has surely given us
more tools to do it in a way that it may be pleasing to God.
The unity of Spirit, the love, friendship and dedication of those
who spoke to us is evident and provides us with a high standard as
we all strive for the standard Christ set.
It was especially
pleasing to see Mr. Herbert Armstrong and to hear his message for
Walter and Ann Tannert
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We do thank you very much for the opportunity to attend the
Ministerial Refreshing Program. It was very encouraging to hear
from so many leading ministers in God's Work who all very clearly
expressed their loyalty to Mr. Armstrong. We also enjoyed very
much being able to mix with students and other ministers from all
over the world. May God continue to bless and guide all of you as
you continue to present this program in the coming sessions.
Harold and Irma van Lerberghe
Mr. Tkach:
I want to thank you so very much for giving the Imperial Faculty
the opportunity to attend the Ministerial Refreshing Program. I
am so very thankful for the spiritual food I have been given. It
will be used in my teaching, as well -as my spiritual growth.
Please pass on my thanks to all the ministers involved, and those
who organized the program so beautifully.
Mrs. Ray Tucker