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I just read your article in the June-July GOOD NEWS, "How You Can
Overcome.• Thank you very much for the deep knowledge in that
article. I think you were truly inspired by God to write this to
us all. Lately, I have often been thinking the same thoughts.
Bow, I've wondered, after 11 years of being baptized and still
not having the degree of conversion I want to have, nor seeing
the spiritual growth I long for--how will I ever make it into
God's Kingdom?
Sometimes I feel like Paul. What I want to do, I don't, and what
I don't want to do, I do. Mr. Armstrong, you have just answered
all the questions in my mind. I'm going to try even harder now to
let God exercise the power of His Holy Spirit in my mind and to
let that power lead me.
Mrs. A.P. (Perryopolis, PA)
Thank you so much for sharing with us that "glorious assurance•
in your article about overcoming in the latest GOOD NEWS! Thank
God that He inspires such helpful messages. Sometimes we get so
bogged down in our own trials we forget that there is a God in
heaven who, if we continually seek Him, will not let us fall.
It'• so relieving to hear encouragement coming from God through
you, Mr. Armstrong. Please know that your concern and love for
us is very much appreciated!
B.R. (Roanoke, VA)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
OH, THAT PIPELINE AGAIN! This week, one is reminded of the song a few years
ago that went, in part, ·They're rioting in Africa, there's strife in
Iran••••• The intermittant warfare between Ethiopia and Somalia has flared
up once again. Ethiopian ground forces, backed up with Soviet-made planes,
are said to have crossed the Somali border and taken at least two towns. A
far bigger incursion has taken place further north. Iranian units are
reportedly crossing the border into Iraq with the aim of toppling the
Baghdad government and converting Iraq into a second "Islamic republic.•
Despite the Ayatollah's fervor and the messianic abandon of his troops,
this will be a tall order. Iraq possesses superior numbers in men and
material, especially the latter. Also, Iraq will be defending its own
territory this tiae, so it may do better than its ill-fated invasion of
Iran. The btt·queation is: How many Arab countries will be drawn into the
war on Iraq'• aide against Moslem but non-Arab Iran?
Meanwhile, the political/economic war brewing between the U.S. and Western
Europe is still the big story. Reaction from Washington notwithstanding,
European countries are going ahead with the $10 billion Soviet pipeline
deal. Just this week, a West German bank syndicate signed a 2.8 billion
mark (roughly $1.14 billion) agreement with the Soviet Union for financing
German equipment for the pipeline.
In a dispatch from Leningrad on Tuesday prior to the signing, the official
TASS news agency said the contract was "evidence of the steadily broadening
economic links" between the two countries. The Soviets have reportedly
launched a crash program to build large gas turbine pumps to replace
equipment lost to the pipeline in the U.S. embargo.