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The bulk of responses to Mr. Armstrong's semiannual letters from
Asian countries usually takes six months or more to reach us. So far 8,885
requests (28.31 of the mailing list) have been received in response to Mr.
Armstrong's November, 1981 semiannual letter offering his booklet, NEVER
This response
figure will rise slightly as requests are still coming in.
Mr. Armstrong's previous semiannual letter offering his book, THE UNITED
STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY, pulled a similar response with 28.4% of
Asian subscribers responding.
Income: The recession is continuing to hurt our members financially. Some
have lost jobs and some others in self-employed occupations, especially in
the building trades, are struggling to survive. However, Church attendance
has not appreciably changed and in spite of some hardship, the members are
continuing to solidly support God's Work as a 16.2% increase was recorded
for the month. According to our latest survey, the membership contributes
77% of the Work's income in Australia. Income year to date now stands at a
14.4% increase.
Mr. Glen Weber, minister in Prince George,
British Columbia, wishes to know the where­
abouts of a member named Bill Kendall. Mr.
Kendall was last seen in the Pacific North­
west. Any minister having information about
Mr. Kendall's location is requested to call
Mr. Weber at (604) 962-6661.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
On behalf of the Big Sandy faculty and wives I would like to thank
both of you for making it possible for us to attend the Minister­
ial Refreshing Program.
We all had a wonderful time.
classes were instructive and inspirational. All of us can now go
about our jobs with renewed zeal and vigor for the Work of God.
As a result of the program we can all better relate to all facets
of the Work, and it helps us to realize that this Work is truly a
worldwide Work.
This was the first visit to Headquarters for some of the faculty,
and they are still expressing their thanks for the opportunity.
I don't know of any other organization that would be willing to
provide its employees with such opportunities. We were all very
encouraged and inspired by Mr. Armstrong's increased emphasis
upon all of us being learners, and the role of the Church in pre­
paring all of us to teach in the World Tomorrow. We were also