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payments by $20.00. In addition, last month I received another
$1,400 a year raise. Also, it seems that every time we need some
small thing, it is either on sale or we find it at a garage sale.
The blessings don't just stop with material things. My wife and
I have developed a much better and closer relationship, and
through our study, prayer, and seeing how much God really cares
for us, we have both grown in our understanding and our love for
God, His laws and His Church. It's too bad we don't have third
tithe year every year!
H.W. (Wyoming, MI)
Promotion, Pay Raise, Land to Build on and More
I wanted to include a note with this month's check to let you know
how God is blessing us financially for tithing••••Since being
baptized in 1976, my income has increased by 400%! The biggest
increase was during this third tithe year. The company I work
for gave me a promotion, substantial raise and a new $14,000
sports car for personal use just before the Feast of Tabernacles.
Just this month God blessed us with two acres to build a house on.
We had prayed about this for two years. This is in addition to
many spiritual blessings, such as healings that God has given us
as well. It is a tremendous blessing to be a part of God's great
M.M. (Land 'O' Lakes, FL)
After a Setback, God Provides Many Blessings
We have been having a fantastic third tithe year, however it sure
started out with a test. As soon as I arrived home from the Feast
which would begin my third tithe year, my employer told me that
my salary, along with all the other employees, would be cut by
10%. This was due to a continuing business slump resulting in
drastically reduced cash flow. The cut was to be in effect until
January 1, 1982. We didn't know how we were going to make it.
But that next week, my wife, who is a substitute teacher, started
receiving calls to work every day.
In February, my employer
announced a four percent across-the-board pay raise for all em­
ployees because business had picked up. However, a few super­
visory personnel and skilled workers were to receive a 10% raise.
I was included in that group!
Last week, the anesthetist at our local hospital, who is also a
friend of mine, called and asked if my wife and I would like to
help him with his billing to insurance companies and patients, on
a part-time basis in our own home. He will supply all the mate­
rials needed and pay us about $400 per month.
So we have been having a great year. I thought
let you know there was one more family paying
year who can testify that you can't outgive God!
keep on coming!
I would write and
third tithe this
Those blessings
R.K. (Logan, OH)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center