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Dear Mr. Tkach:
We're back in New Brunswick, Canada again and want to thank you
and your staff for a wonderful time in Pasadena. We profited a
great deal from the lectures and tours. I'll be sharing some of
the highlights of the material with the brethren this Sabbath,
but some of it will come out in future sermons, too.
We greatly enjoyed the tour of the
Studio. The men and women
who work with
and radio are truly professional and expert at
what they do. The fruit of their work can be seen every time we
watch Mr. Armstrong's telecasts. We appreciate their dedication
and the quality of their work. No doubt God is giving them extra
Several of the faculty and others connected with the Work invited
us into their homes. That added immensely to the whole impres­
sion of the second Refreshing Program.
Thank you and ALL the lecturers and support staff who made this
coucse another refreshing!
Philip and Carole Shields
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I would like to thank you and your staff for the
opportunity to attend this second Refreshing Program.
We both
consider it a privilege to have been able to come to Pasadena and
be instructed by the leading ministers in God's Church. We were
so very impressed by the spirit of service and cooperation ex­
hibited by all at Headquarters.
I do believe that God is blessing the ministry and Church through
the refreshing programs. Both local congregations here were anx­
ious for us to return and to "fill them in" on the refresher.
Thank you again for the obvious time, service, and dedication
which made our time in Pasadena so personally rewarding to both
of us.
Britton and Donna Taylor
Dear Mr. Tkach:
This is to express my appreciation for the just-completed Minis­
terial Refreshing Program session number six which I was privi­
leged to attend.
It was not only spiritually uplifting but
packed with new knowledge that we certainly will be able to use
in training the future leaders of God's Church, today's Ambassa­
dor students. Mr. Armstrong truly impressed upon us the magni­
tude of the importance of our calling and the role of education
both in the Church today and in the World Tomorrow. Mr. McNair
reinforced Mr. Armstrong's powerful message by stressing our role
as examples to the students in behavior, dress and love. Every
session brought new knowledge that we will be able to use in our
own area of instruction.
The opportunity to fellowship with faculty from Big Sandy and
Imperial was an extremely valuable aspect of our particular ses-