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This change requires that the attendance on the monthly report now be a cal­
culated average rather than
estimate that
permissible in
past. In calculating the average, you should eliminate an abnormally high
or low attendance. As an example:
If Mr. Armstrong visits your Church
area, the attendance figure for that Sabbath should not be included in the
calculation since it would be considerably inflated. To include it would
give a distorted picture of your typical attendance for the month. On the
other hand, if a Y.O.U. family weekend took 40% of your attendance to a
nearby Church, this unusually low attendance should likewise be omitted for
the same reason.
So remember, after July you no longer send Weekly Church Attendance slips
to Pasadena. Instead, calculate an average attendance and report it in the
space provided on the Monthly Church Report. This change emphasizes, even
more, the need for completing the monthly report and sending it in on time-­
within the first week of the following month.
Questions and Answers
Question: Would you clarify the policy regarding members
spouses other than their own at Church dances?
dancing with
Is this per-
God's Church does not have a set policy in this matter. Obvious­
ly, there are certain types of dances where mixing partners would
certainly be appropriate--even necessary--for the dance's sake.
Round dancing, folk dancing, square dancing; - etc. are dances in
this category.
God's Church does not encourage married couples freely mixing
throughout a Church dance. However, members should not stand in
judgment, impute motives, etc. if two couples exchange partners
for a dance, or if a married man should ask a widow (especially if
she is elderly and considered a mother to many in the congrega­
tion) or some woman other than his wife to dance. Of course, this
should be done with the approval of all concerned. However, if
an individual or couples are found abusing this principle, then
they should be talked to privately.
If an individual has problems wherein dancing with another's mate
may cause him to sin, such an individual should avoid the situ­
ation entirely. Nevertheless, there is a place for mixing type
dances and perhaps times when it is proper to dance with someone
other than one's mate.
International News
United Kingdom and Ireland An advertising program featuring two ads espe­
cially written by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong has recently started in the
and Eire. A very wide selection of media is being used--the biggest spread
ever in the history of God's Work in the British Isles! In fact, one of
Britain's largest newspaper publishers--the Mirror Group--has reopened its
doors to us giving us access to both the DAILY and SUNDAY MIRROR tabloid
newspapers. This group of newspapers and magazines (the biggest in Bri­
tain) had been adamantly closed to us for many years, so this change repre­
sents quite a breakthrough!