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"The leaven of secularism
the college that had been
different from any other.
of, Satan's world."
and materialism was subtly injected into
built as God's College -- as a college
It was a college UNIQUE in, but not part
"But," says Mr. Armstrong, "in the last 10 years the aggressive
urge of some to obtain accreditation -- to get this world of Satan's
ENDORSEMENT, opened the door for this leaven of intellectualism, which
pervades this world's higher education, to gain an entering wedge."
Mr. Armstrong continued, "It was not realized by those -- and there
were a number -- who wanted accreditation, that Satan had gotten his
foot in the door. But those who had known it, during its growing
years as GOD'S COLLEGE, were aghast when they came to the Pasadena
campus after years of absence•.• They now found it as if it had
turned from day into night, from the light of GOD'S WAY into the
darkness of this world's higher education."
What had happened to cause Ambassador College to become so much like
other colleges of this world? Mr. Armstrong came to see that
Ambassador's drive for accreditation by the world was one of the main
things -- if not the main factor -- which caused so much secularism
and outright worldliness to be implanted into the very midst of
Ambassador College.
Some have wrongly implied -- if not openly charged -- that Mr.
Armstrong had fully endorsed the idea that Ambassador College should
actively seek accreditation. But those who really knew Mr. Armstrong
always knew that he only reluctantly permitted Ambassador to seek
accreditation. Mr. Armstrong has plainly stated, "I never wanted
accreditation personally, but I did allow others to pursue it on
their sincere but misled assurance that they could obtain accreditation
and still retain it as God's college."
During those early discussions as to whether or not Ambassador should
seek accreditation, I personally heard Mr. Armstrong say on more than
one occasion that he would allow the officials of the college to
apply for accreditation, but that he himself was not fully convinced
that Ambassador could retain its high ideals and yet receive accredi­
tation from this world. In other words, Mr. Armstrong was never
himself really convinced that Ambassador College could receive
accreditation, without letting the bars down and inviting into the
College the ways of this world -- which could prove the undoing of
the College in the end.
More recently, Mr. Armstrong wrote, "Secularism and the leaven of
modern 'intellectualism' and 'PhDism' had turned Ambassador College
into just another of this world's colleges. To set it back on the
track I have had to start all over again, as in 1947, with one
single undergraduate freshman class. I have put back in charge
those who were taught God's REVEALED KNOWLEDGE under me in the earlier
years. I hope that my personal, very frequent taking of the forums
will, within the year, set Ambassador College back on the track as