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I just had to write to tell you how God recently healed me. While
lifting a PLAIN TRUTH box at a brother's home, my back was put out
of place. Hardly able to walk to my car and drive home, I immedi­
ately began to pray. At home, I applied heat all day and night,
but with no result.
On Sabbath morning I hobbled into services to be anointed by our
minister. As he prayed, I felt heat all over my spine that the
heating pad could not produce. I then stood up and walked. I've
been rejoicing and thanking God for His loving kindness and
mercy, as I do not deserve His blessing. How much love our God
I have a six-year-old son.
pain in his upper legs.
(Willow Grove, PA)
One day he started complaining about
He would also pass blood when he
I took him to our doctor and he wanted to have him x-rayed. I
waited until the Sabbath and had my son anointed, since the
doctor thought he had a tumor in his kidneys. I left the situa­
tion in God's hands. My son never lost his faith. He knew God
would heal him.
On Tuesday, the swelling was gone and the bleeding stopped. I
truly know that God healed my son and am very grateful to Him for
sparing my son's life.
K.K. (Roanoke, AL)
I have been greatly blessed by our Heavenly Father all my life
and especially in the past three years. I had lost the use of my
legs and after a month's stay in the hospital, I was sent home
with the disheartening words, "You will never walk again, and if
you do it will be a miracle."
Well, after three months and many prayers and blessings, I did
again walk. Let no man say he can prescribe someone's future-­
only God is our Master and each of us can have the faith to walk
with Him. So the miracle did occur. Two doctors have said that I
just should not be walking. They said that I've made a miracu­
lous recovery, mainly through my own fortitude and determination.
To that I will add--through God's help mainly.
T.R. (Auburn, CA)
I recently wrote to you about a health problem. I had a case of
sciatica for almost two months. At times I was bedridden, due to
the extreme pain in my left leg and thigh.
I asked you to send a prayer cloth and received it in just a few
days. I followed the directions and prayed. Within 24 hours,
there was an astounding improvement. Now, four days later, the
problem is almost gone....! humbly thank God for the healing.
G.S. (Vero Beach, FL)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center