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Once again the unity of the Headquarters team under your direcĀ­
tion shows what can be accomplished when things are done God's
way. The entire program from the lectures to the special music
presented by Imperial School and the Spanish-speaking Church
(including all who served behind the scenes) was fitly framed
together like a philharmonic orchestra. Each part added to fill
to the full (Matt. 5:17; John 10:10).
God's Law is being magnified.
What a blessing to have been
called to be a part in bringing this "refresher" to the world.
John and Pat Borax
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Many have already praised the second refresher programme and I
suppose one more voice of praise among many can often become "old
hat" and just another one of those pleasant letters on page three
or four of the PGR. But I want you to know I personally enjoy
reading the comments made by my fellow ministers.
To be able to spend two weeks at Ambassador College, to partake
of the harmony and unity, to enjoy and be enlightened by the
classes, to meet and fellowship with the leading ministers, to
enjoy the fellowship of mature loyal classmates on the programme,
to eat with AC students who are really turned on to God's way of
life, and to be able to be taught by God's apostle in person--to
do all these things and more in the two-week period was truly
REFRESHING! One might say a breath of FRESH "LIFE." My wife and
I didn't want to leave, but we knew we have a Work to do out here.
My wife and I truly wish to add our voices of praise for the
programme. We praise not men; we praise God for giving us His
apostle and men to loyally follow His apostle in instituting and
implementing the programme.
Please extend our thanks to Mr.
Armstrong and all involved in the MRP.
John and Fiona Larkin
Greetings Joe:
We thank you and all those who made our MRP 2 a most enjoyable and
learning experience. Truly we were treated like "royalty." We
had the unique privilege of not only being refreshed spiritually,
but also attended graduation, graduation ball, the filming of the
A.C. Feast program and many other beautiful activities.
The enthusiasm of everyone at Headquarters is as refreshing as
the program. It's like a good habit that rubs off on us. Mr.
Armstrong certainly is setting the example of love, "give" and
courage. Please thank him for everything. It couldn't have been
a more profitable experience. Now for the doing of it.
Les and Penny Mccolm
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Jane and I would like to thank all of the staff there for the
inspiring and uplifting content of all the presentations given,