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training at Ambassador. One elder from Malaysia and one elder from New York
(recommended by the Spanish language Regional Director) will also be
receiving one year of education at Ambassador.
Evaluation of Applicants
The Pasadena Admissions Committee consists of seven members. In addition,
Mr. John Halford reviews all the international applications. Each applica­
tion is reviewed individually by at least five members of the committee,
and then later discussed in a review session by the committee. A signifi­
cant number of "super accepts" whose applications were complete were
accepted as early as January. Other "acceptable" applications were held
for comparison with later applicants who met the March 1st application
The selection was difficult. On May 6th, for example, when the Pasadena
Admissions Committee met for review session t8, we had a list of 133
qualified women applicants from which we could accept only 15. So you can
see that the answer to the question, "Why wasn't I accepted to Ambassador
this year?", in many cases is simply, "We didn't have the space." The Big
Sandy Admissions Committee did, however, accept 15 women ear1ier (March
29th) from this same list when they visited Pasadena.
Big Sandy also
accepted 19 men from the Pasadena pool of applicants at that time, and has
just accepted an additional 22 men this week (as of May 26) from the smaller
group of 46 "acceptable" male applicants for whom Pasadena had no space.
Ambassador traditionally receives many more qualified applications from
women than men. Your help as ministers in encouraging promising masculine
applicants toward Ambassador is much appreciated!
Giving Direction to Teens
Ambassador College is very pleased with the support and enthusiasm in the
local Church areas as reflected in the growing number of qualified appli­
Teens who are interested in applying to Ambassador should be
encouraged to prepare academically, financially and socially with service
and leadership involvement in their local Churches. They should be
encouraged to apply early (i.e. December or January preceding the fall
semester for which they are applying) and register for an early Scholastic
Aptitude Test (S.A.T.) in November, December or January. S.A.T. scores
take about six weeks to arrive.
There will be a large number of disappointed applicants each year who can­
not be accepted because of space limitations or because they are not
qualified. The Church pastor can help immensely by giving encouragement
and direction to teens to have alternate plans when they apply to
Ambassador. To just "wait" year after year for a possible opening can lead
to frustration and depression.
Pastors can help by encouraging high school graduates to follow Mr.
s example of "choosing a vocation." Developing one
s talents and
skills through on-the-job training, vocational education or varied work
experience will be a step in the right direction. Mr. Armstrong never
attended Ambassador College, but by applying the seven laws of success in
varied work experiences and personal study, he has found the way to an
abundant life, enriched the lives of many millions and allowed God to use
him as a very effective instrument in fulfilling His purpose on earth.