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One of the stations recently added is 3GL, Geelong, a station clearly heard
by most of the city of Melbourne. This is the very first open door we've
had to Melbourne for preaching the Gospel in years.
We are continuing to maintain our television coverage, airing The WORLD
TOMORROW telecast over 25 stations throughout Australia. Many who write to
us after viewing the telecast comment on how much they have profited from
the programme.
Reports reaching our office here in Australia from Asia are most
encouraging. Mr. Colin Kelly, our minister responsible for the Singapore
and Malaysian areas, is being run off his feet with new visit requests. He
baptized four new members this month.
Mr. Bill Sidney, our Financial Services Manager, reported that his recent
trip to the Solomon Islands during the Days of Unleavened Bread resulted in
four baptisms and an increase in PM's from four to thirteen. One of those
baptized is a village chieftain.
We now have thirteen members in the
Solomon Islands.
God's intervention in the lives of His people in that area of the world was
clearly evident when a cyclone hit the Island of Ronongga leaving only two
houses standing. One belonged to a member of God's Church and the other
belonged to the member's uncle who was baptized by Mr. Sidney about two
weeks later.
While in the Solomon Islands, Mr. Sidney conducted two PLAIN TRUTH lectures
for subscribers there and had discussions with the Solomon Islands Radio
Station Manager concerning The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast. The radio station
manager is very favourable towards us, but our request to air the programme
has to be referred to the S.I.C.A. (Solomon Islands Christian Association)
for their comment. It will be about three months before we know the out­
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Tkach:
It has been four days since we arrived home from Refresher #4,
but we are still on a "high" from all the benefits we received
while there.
Out here in San Antonio, Texas
we live in an
atmosphere of potholed-streets, partially-fenced-in junk yards,
unkempt landscaping, scoured buildings, diseased and dying trees
and gloomy faces.
Marian and I deeply appreciated the
opportunity to come to the headquarters of God's Work and College
and to again taste with all our senses a sampling of the World
As Christ said, "Believe me for the Work's sake."
Anyone who can see will see the fruits of one man who yielded to
God. We yearn for the time when the whole world will look like
one big Ambassador College!
Thank you also for the refreshing and helpful instructions from
ALL who sacrificed time from their other responsibilities. Now
that the Church is "on track" we can move ahead with increasing