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Argentine diplomat put it: "If American olanes refuel bombers on
their way to kill us, the U.S. will be back to the days of Teddy
Roosevelt and his Big Stick" in Latin eyes.
--U.S. hopes for joint economic ventures and moves against
Communist insurgents have probably suffered severe short-term
damage in any case.
Nowhere is there more basis for gloom on that point than in
Argentina itself.•.• What dismays leading Argentines is that,
before the Falklands crisis, the Reagan Administration had been
courting the right-wing junta in Buenos Aires as a natural anti­
communist ally [i.e. "lover"].
What is more, the courtship
apparently had been paying off.
"If it were made public how close we really were to the United
States," says one senior general, "many people here would accuse
us of being traitors to Argentina."
"False Christ" About to Reveal Himself
Perhaps some of you have already seen the one-page ads appearing in 17 major
newspapers around the world, such as the TIMES of London, the NEW YORK
TIMES, LOS ANGELES TIMES, etc. The ads are all the same, headlining that
"The Christ is Now Here."
The ad states that this Christ, the so-called "World Teacher," will reveal
himself before July 1 and "will speak to humanity through a· worldwide tele­
vision and radio broadcast. His message will be heard inwardly, telepath­
ically by all people in their own language. From that time, with His help,
we will build a new world."
A leading spokesman for this "World Teacher" is Benjamin Creme (pronounced
"Krem"), a 59-year-old Scotsman from London. Creme was recently in Los
Angeles, where on Friday May 14 he held a news conference. This is the way
the LOS ANGELES TIMES of May 15 summed up Creme's remarks:
The Universal Christ--the World Teacher--lives in "a totally
indestructible body" in the Pakistani-Indian community of South­
east London.
[Author's note:
This is hardly the high-rent
district of London. Prophetically it would qualify as a "secret
chamber"--Matt. 24:26.]
[Benjamin Creme's] press conference at the Ambassador [Hotel] in
Los Angeles climaxed a seven-year campaign--aided in recent
months by a well-oiled media blitz and full-page ads in 17 major
newspapers of the world--to announce the reappearance of the
Christ. Now it is up to the media to find the Messiah, who will
live on earth for the next 2,000 years or more and be the founder
of a new world religion, Creme told about 100 journalists,
cameramen, cult-watchers and advocates of conventional religion
who had turned out to hear his pronouncement.
Creme [is] a
straight-standing man with bushy gray hair and luminous eyes •...
Creme says that the Messiah �as � living in L .
ondon since j uly
19, 1977 and claims to receive direct telepathic messages rom