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Weekly Letter Comments
This week we have a variety of letter comments, including comments about
our booklets, The PLAIN TRUTH and Mr. Armstrong's messages.
Finds PT in Shopping Cart
While at the supermarket recently, I found a copy of The PLAIN
TRUTH in the shopping cart I was using. I made nothing of it and
discarded it into the bottom of the cart. When I reached home and
unbagged my groceries I again came across the copy of your
magazine. It seems that the bag boy at the grocery store placed
it in with the rest of my groceries. Again I made nothing of it,
until the time I was awaiting the arrival from sea of my husband
who is employed by the U.S. Navy. I was extremely anxious and
impatient. After paging through several magazines, I reached for
The PLAIN TRUTH. Glancing through the magazine, I came across
some very interesting articles.
I became so engrossed and
absorbed in them that I completely lost track of all time and my
temporary anxieties. I've become so impressed with your publica­
tion that I've decided to subscribe to it.
S.A. (North Charleston, S.C.)
Sabbath Booklet Stirs to Action
I am a recent subscriber to The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. Also, I
have just read your booklet, WHICH DAY IS THE CHRISTIAN SABBATH?
and found it to be the most interesting material beside the Bible
itself. I am now asking for the Sabbaths off forever, although
it appears I may have much conflict headed my way. I have also
quit my church since the pastor doesn't believe that it's not all
right to work on the Sabbath.
When I told him it matters he
replied, "You must have gotten hold of some bad material!"
M.Z. (Chicago, IL)
Booklet Helps Mental Health Agency
I am writing to request five hundred copies of your excellent
We are a
private, non-profit mental health agency, providing services to
people with emotional, drug and alcohol problems. My position is
Consultation/Education Manager, and I provide drug and alcohol
education to the community through speaking engagements, public
forums, panels and lectures. Your booklet has been very helpful
to me in getting the message across. Of course, we give out your
booklets free.
S.G. (Phoenix, AZ)
Member Inspired, by Mr. Armstrong's Messages
Yesterday, we listened to one of your tapes, "How to Keep the
It was very inspiring, as are all your messages. I
also enjoyed your TV program on the resurrection and Easter. You
are speaking out more boldly than ever and looking very good.