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The Netherlands The month of March has shown a continued growth in God's
Work in the Netherlands even though the national economy is still on the
decline. Responses to the advertising campaign in DE KAMPIOEN are still
coming in. The total subscription 1ist of the Dutch ECHTE WAARHEID now
stands at 45,000.
Our income for this month shows a year-to-date increase of 17%. Mail in­
creased this month 81.6% with a total of 6,602 pieces received. About 20%
of this mail was requests for booklets and literature offered in De ECHTE
WAARHEID. Correspondence Course students increased from 1,221 last year to
2,005 this month, a 64.2% increase. Church attendance increased 6.6% com­
pared to last year.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
I've just returned home from the third session of the second
Ministerial Refreshing Program--and WOW!
didn't think the first MRP could be topped, but it was!
To me personally it was the most sobering and meaningful two
weeks of my life to date, for the classes emphasized the reality
of our responsibilities in the ministry like nothing else has
ever done.
Thank you very much for the correction, instruction, inspiration
and vision. And thanks to all who worked so hard to make it so
Terry P. Mattson
Mr. Joseph Tkach:
Please extend my thanks to Mr. Armstrong for a very enjoyable and
profitable refresher course. Your staff is to be complimented
for their work and preparation.
Everything went well.
lectures and presentations were excellent. I have had the oppor­
tunity to use some of the information already. The brethren were
pleased to hear that Mr. Armstrong is participating in the
Keith F. Thomas
Spectacular Healing
On March 15, 1982 God performed a dramatic miracle by healing 15-
year-old Terry Mayes, son of church member Irma Mayes. While
eating breakfast, Terry sustained a massive heart attack and was
dead nearly 10 minutes by the time the fire rescue squad arrived.
They worked frantically to revive Terry and then quickly sent him
by ambulance to the hospital.
I was called and went on to the hospital, anointing Terry in the
intensive care unit while the nurses worked frantic&lly over the
life support machine that was hooked to him. The doctor held out
no hope and advised that Terry be taken off the life suppert
machine in about eight hours. When that time came, his heart was