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Britain and the white English-speaking commonwealth nations.
In Bible
prophecy the nations of Israel are always referred to as sheep, while the
Gentile powers are spoken of in terms of predatory animals (Psalm 74:1,
Jeremiah 50:17, Daniel 7:1-27}.
Without the restraining influence of the Anglo-Saxon powers on the world
scene--nations which have tried to promote the rule of law and the peaceful
settlement of international disputes--Gentile nations, large and small,
will resort more than ever to the crude method of brute force. The world is
going to become fill exceedingly frightful place.
* * * * *
Will America Blow Britain
s Victory?
With South Georgia
returned to British control the military momentum rides with the British.
The taking of the glaciered island was a fairly easy task.
Members of
Britain's SBS (Special Boat Service) had been transported to the island
before the assault to "spy out the land"--they discovered fewer defenders
than anticipated--and to direct the ultimate attack. They were apparently
conveyed to South Georgia aboard one of Britain's nuclear powered subma­
rines--a weapon of tremendous advantage for the British.
In the assault, the British were surprised to see one of Argentina's four,
aging World War II submarines floating in Grytviken harbor. It was quickly
disabled by British helicopters. One battle--25% of Argentina's underwater
navy out of action!
Curiously, instead of rejoicing at the British victory, Washington seemed
to be wringing its hands over the prospect of war being extended to the
Falklands themselves. "Time is running out for diplomacy" is the hackneyed
phrase. The British, while admiring the hard work of Secretary of State
Haig, are getting impatient with U.S. foot-dragging. The DAILY MAIL news­
paper even called the President "Jellybean Reagan" in one of its headlines.
Will the United States wilt before OAS (Organization of American States)
pressure and lean on Britain to back out of reclaiming the Falklands? In
other words, will we see the 1956 Suez fiasco replayed, with the U.s.
depriving Britain of a victory? One senses, ominously, that this could be
the case. The
is fearful that a defeated Argentina dictatorship may no
longer be able to help it keep the Russians at bay in the Western Hemi­
Hence the U. s. is on the verge of seriously offending brother Ephraim
(Prov. 18:19) breaching the "special relationship" and fracturing NATO.
This could be the biggest outcome of all. Warns a British cabinet official
(in the April 26 issue of TIME}:
If the President were to choose neutrality between a Britain
countering an aggression against its territory and an Argentina
which had broken the rule of law, the alliance between our two
countries would suffer a blow from which it might take years to
fully recover.
There is, shamefully, support for Argentina in top echelons of the U .s.
bureaucracy. Reports NEWSWEEK, April 26: