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Helen Caldicott, quoted earlier, is a formidable leader
movement. Interviewed at the American Association for the
Science (AAAS) annual meeting, she told PLAIN TRUTH Senior
A. Snyder that the Soviets should be trusted because:
in the freeze
Advancement of
Writer Michael
••• they're not suicidal, they haven't shown suicidal tendencies.
They signed SALT II, and America did not....
Survival is the only issue that matters. All other issues pale
into total insignificance.
If we don't do anything about it,
within 10 or 20 years we'll all be killed anyway. We stop build­
ing weapons, we move to sanity, we feed the people, and induce
birth control--we can help most people on the planet.
It just
depends on our motivation and we have to stop being evil,
projecting our dark sides out into the world.
Once Again--The Unseen Moralitv Connection
The only evil that the single-issue freeze-firsters can see is the evil of
producing nuclear weapons (even other weapons, small and great lay outside
of their focus). Many of these people, primarily those springing from the
largely liberal "bi-coastal" (East Coast and California) intellectual
communities of the country, would hardly condemn the real social evils in
contemporary American society--which evils are so great God says our people
are as Sodom.
"They proclaim their sin like Sodom," God says, "they hide it not. Woe to
them! For they have brought evi1 upon themselves" (Isa.
9) •
The very
thing they fear--nuclear destruction--is going to rain down like fire from
heaven, as happened to Sodom. This will occur despite efforts to effect a
freeze, or rather partly because of it, since such pressure will only make
the United States less able to prevent the nuclear holocaust so greatly
Many of the freezers proclaim great fear of "what will happen to our
children." Yet how many of them are concerned about what is happening to
young people today, at least to their morals?
An absolutely shocking
article is found in the April 5, 1982 issue of NEWSWEEK. For sake of space
we can't quote much of it here; be sure to get a copy for yourself.
Entitled "Gays and Lesbians on Campus," it deals with the growing power and
attraction of the homosexual movement on U.S. university campuses. Mr.
Armstrong said long ago that higher education is decadent. How much more so
Gays and lesbians (female homosexuals) represent a powerful subculture on
campuses around the country. It is usually against the law for a college to
deny financial support to a gay organization. Many students, notes the
NEWSWEEK article, come to college confused about their own "sexual nature."
Obviously they received no proper sex education from either their parents
or in church, if they attended one. Their sex education in high school
contained no moral absolutes.
Some students "discover" they are gay or lesbian at college! Others dabble
with it, if only temporarily, infected by the seditious leaven of homo­
sexuality all around them. Meanwhile homosexuals at college are fortified