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Meanwhile in the United States, as a result of the upsurge in the Work's
media programs, the following results were observed in 1981:
2.6 million pieces of mail were received--the highest count in
seven years and up 17% over 1980.
336,000 calls were answered--a 100% increase over 1980.
45,000 subscribers donated to the Work for the first time.
12,000 PLAIN TRUTH subscribers became co-workers in the Work.
50,000 new students enrolled in The Ambassador College Bible
Correspondence Course.
50,000 business waiting room subscriptions were added to The
PLAIN TRUTH list as a result of phone calls placed by Church
(As a result of those subscriptions, 17,000 addi­
tional people requested subscriptions.)
21,000 people were added to The PLAIN TRUTH list as a result
of the new cardholder program, which was also handled by
Church members.
Tithe Payers Are Blessed
Our letters this week show that as members and co-workers take God at His
Word and honor Him with their tithes and offerings, their needs are more
than met.
Here is my tithe and offering money again. It seems like a lot of
money when
look at it and add it all up, but it is amazing that,
just as God promised, the more you give the more you receive.
This month was supposed to be my tightest month financially, but
now after all is paid, I have almost enough for next month's
bills, too! I haven't yet learned to be as generous as God is to
me, but I am learning more all the time. I am thankful that God
has revealed the truth about managing finances as well as all the
other truths about His way.
T.S. (Madison, TN)
The enclosed is a thank you offering from our garage sale--a sale
that the newspaper forgot to advertise, that two other parties
backed out of, that required a number of people to help move a
hundred or so plants, and that had the
competition of three
large commercial plant sales in town. Everything was against it!
Yet, 99% of everything--especially the plants--sold. God always
Mr. & Mrs. J.P. (Champaign, IL)
It's time to again send another tithe. Even though I am used to
hard times, the Holy God has really blessed me lately. I am mak­
ing good money which hasn't always been the case. I am fishing
for a living right now, and it seems the boat I am on is the
one around here making a living. Apparently the other boats in