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We appreciated Mr. Armstrong taking the time from his many
responsibilities to speak to us. His message was most inspiring.
We also appreciate all of the work you and your staff have done to
serve the ministry day in and day out. Thanks for holding up Mr.
Armstrong's arms in doing this great Work. Our prayers are with
all of you.
Earl and Katrina Williams
Dear Joe:
Thank you so very much for everything you and the other ministers
did in giving us such a beautiful experience at the refresher. I
came back thinking, if only we could give it back to each of our
precious members here. We sure will try to do that Joe.
What a thrill it was to see the campus back to the old standard of
quality that Mr. Armstrong has always demanded, before certain
ones "crept in unawares" and set about to weaken and downgrade.
After living through that period, I realize what a task it has
been for Mr. Armstrong to fight the battle to maintain
So many things that might seem unimportant thrilled me, such as
the students once again getting raw milk, and really healthful
meals being served at the dining hall. Another thing is the way
the apartments were maintained with the good housekeeping stanĀ­
dards that Annie Mann used to insist on. Plus all the girls that
were helping were so happy in their work and so agreeable. Of
course, the really big difference was the warmth and love that
was extended to us everywhere we turned.
People were just
obviously happy; so much of the love of Christ in them. And how
wonderful to see the Bible study overflowing again, with everyone
getting there early so as not to miss a seat.
Walter and I will try to keep that picture of excellence before
us this year and try earnestly to carry out everything we learned
in the meetings.
Joanne Dickinson
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Donna and I thank you and all who served as apt teachers. To be
among God's ministers and taught by God's ministers is truly
What a vast difference from the seminars of this
world's religions I've attended in years past.
Please extend our thanks to Mr. Armstrong for sharing inspired
thoughts of his mind with us for an hour and forty minutes.
Torn and Donna Grede
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Please convey our sincere thanks to Mr. Armstrong for his insight
in allowing another Refreshing Program to take place.
To be able to sit at the feet of experienced and loyal men to hear
again God's truth was very inspiring for us.