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Financially we are holding our own. The economic recession has a definite
effect on the income of all congregations in this country. THE TELEGRAAF
ran an article a few weeks ago explaining that at the beginning of this year
the income for churches and charitable institutions has sharply declined to
just about or well below 1981 figures. Our income for February showed an
18.1% increase, which brings the year-to-date to a plus .55%. With a 149.5%
growth in PT circulation, we need the continued prayers of the brethren
asking God to provide the required labourers to also support this part of
God's Work in carrying out the Great Commission to all Dutch-speaking
people under the leadership and direction of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong.
Spanish-speaking Area Mr. Reginald Killingley was ordained a local elder
during Sabbath services of the Pasadena Spanish-speaking congregation on
January 23rd by Mr. Leon Walker and Mr. Robert Flores, Sr. In addition to
his editorial responsibilities with the Spanish PLAIN TRUTH in Pasadena, he
is serving in the Tijuana and Mexicali areas with Mr. Fernando Barriga.
Several men have been sent to new posts in different areas of Mexico: Mr.
Gilberto Marin, a ministerial trainee, will work with the Churches in
Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua; Mr. Alfredo Mercado, a local elder, now serves
the Church in Monterrey and Bible studies in Piedras Negras and Villa
Mr. Daniel Vazquez, a ministerial trainee, is now serving the
Church in Jalpa and Bible studies in Oaxaca and Tuxtla Gutierrez; Mr.
Francisco Hui is assisting Mr. Pablo Dimakis in the Guadalajara and Tepic
area. Also, Mr. Salvador Barragan is now a ministerial trainee working
with Mr. Tom Turk in the Mexico City area. Brethren in all these areas have
responded enthusiastically to the presence of these men and to the fact
that regular services are conducted in their respective areas.
Four small advertisements placed in EL PAIS, Spain's largest circulation
daily newspaper, have brought over 1600 responses. Six very small ads
placed in EL COMERCIO, Ecuador's leading newspaper, produced 350 responses.
Also, a renewal letter was sent to former PURA VERDAD subscribers in
Ecuador which has already brought in 500 responses. These are from some
individuals who hadn't received the magazine for two to eight years. Many
people sent letters of effusive thanks for the offer of the magazine.
Through these and other efforts, the number of PV subscribers in Ecuador
has more than doubled within the last two months!
Canada February turned out to be a very busy month. Over 14,000 new people
wrote or phoned the Vancouver office requesting literature.
This is a
377.6% increase over last year!
Plans are already underway for a Spring advertising campaign using news­
paper inserts. In total we should be printing over seven million inserts in
the French and English languages. As a result of this campaign we are hop­
ing The PLAIN TRUTH subscription list will pass the 200,000 mark.
Last month, Mr. Richard Rice from the Mail Processing Center in Pasadena
and Mr. Ron Urwiller, who assists Mr. Rice in the International Mailing
Section, visited the Vancouver office. Vancouver is the first office they
have visited on their itinerary that will eventually see them travel to all
the International offices. Mr. Armstrong has requested they make these
visits to share ideas and procedures that are mutually beneficial and to
introduce compatibility with Pasadena wherever possible.