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the Feast and Holy Days was unconstitutional--in violation of the First
Amendment. The lower court had also ordered the school board to grant the
children makeup school work and tests, and to give the children grades
accordingly. The school board was also prohibited from in any way penaliz­
ing the children for taking off for the Feast.
The Federal Court of Appeals decision is binding on the states of Texas,
Mississippi and Louisiana (the sphere of the Fifth Circuit's jurisdiction).
And it will also have a very ?ersuasive effect in the other 47 states since
courts look at prior decisions on the same matter ("case law") in making
their own determinations.
Nevertheless, because God's Holy Days are
strange thing" to the world,
we anticipate that this decision will not automatically end all of the
Church's school problems. Therefore, if any of the local members in your
area have problems in regard to their children getting off for any of the
Holy Days, or if they are penalized in any way for taking off after they
have made a proper request, please have them immediately contact the Legal
Office. We will evaluate their situation to determine what other steps may
be advisable under the circumstances.
Incidentally, many problems can be avoided at the oarent/teacher level by
giving adequate advance notice of days your child will need to be away so
that makeup work can be arranged without inconveniencing the teacher.
Obviously, the Amarillo case should not even be mentioned in the initial
contacts with the school officials. Wisdom dictates that we must be dis­
creet and encourage mutual cooperation and not permission through legal
(Pasadena Campus)
--Ralph K. Helge, Legal Office
The College is already in the second half of the last semester of the 1981-
82 college year. Thus far we have had a very good year with comparatively
few problems, and with the students doing very well academically.
Judging by their comments, it is evident to the visiting ministers (and to
others who visit the campus) that the College has been put firmly back on
track by Mr. Armstrong--along with the Church and other facets of the ever­
growing worldwide Work of God. The students, as well as the faculty, con­
tinue to reflect God's way. The vast majority of them sincerely want to
learn--and diligently live--God
s way of life. We do, of course, always
have a few students who are slow to get the picture. And from time to time
we have to drop a student or two for academic inadequacies or for seriously
breaching the high moral (spiritual) standards of Ambassador College.
Just two weeks ago, while Mr. Leon Walker (Deputy Chancellor for the Big
Sandy campus) was here, Mr. Armstrong made several decisions relative to
the College. He approved of our sending another (the fifth) group of A.C.
students to Thailand to serve on the A.C.E.P.T. program. (Two Big Sandy
students will also participate in this next program.) Also, he recently
mentioned that the very good work done by the A.C. students in Thailand had
come to the notice of King Bhumibol--who was quite pleased with Ambassador
College's participation in the refugee training program in his country.