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We were especially impressed with the unity of you men in key
positions. Your warmth and concern for us and the membership was
obvious. Ministerial Services certainly serves! I hope we can
carry that spirit of togetherness over to our churches.
Elize and I felt inspired and uplifted on our return. That was
due largely to the fact that we detected an even greater zeal,
warmth and outgoing concern among those in Pasadena than on our
last visit. And the growth of the Work in the U.S. and inter­
national areas is most encouraging. Also the way God is empower­
ing Mr. Armstrong, and his steady, strong leadership.
Andre and Elize van Belkum
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
There seems to be a
great deal of appreciation in the Oklahoma City area for Mr.
Armstrong's direction and leadership during this end time. Mem­
bers are becoming more and more concerned about the impending
troubles, and are desiring God's protection during the Great
Trioulation. Enid is a warm, unassuming church. They are solid­
ly behind the Work and God's Apostle, Mr. Armstrong, as is
evidenced in nearly every opening and closing prayer by the
deacons and leading men.
CINCINNATI (WEST), OH--JEF F BARNESS: Desire to really understand
and apply spiritual knowledge is on the increase. Members as a
whole are striving to grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ
as admonished by Mr. Armstrong. I am trying to follow this lead
in sermons and Bible studies. The seriousness of the times we
live in is also a main focus at this time.
PM Is are picking up dramatically.
More people are realizing the closeness of the end of this age.
Bible studies on Revelation are stirring 9eople to study and pray
more than ever.
Tremendous involvement in everything--even
parents of teens are supporting activities!! The telecasts by
Mr. Armstrong are getting so powerful, clear and inspiring. This
last one on the Nile Hilton address was very moving to me. God
was so obviously guiding every word Mr. Armstrong was saying, I
couldn't help but include my feelings here. Please let him know
the effect the telecasts are having; I'm anxious for each one!!
TONASKET/QUINCY, WA--NORM STRAYER: More PM's here--curiosity as
well as sincerity!
There are several members' older married
children who want to be part of God's Church again. Some new PM
activity in Quincy with good questions. Some members struggling
with the economy and jobs. But still we have work being found and
people moving into the area!
WAUSAU/APPLETON, WI--DAVE FIEDLER: Baptizing four second genera­
tion Christians and counseling four others. It is my observation
that since the Church is stressing getting back on the track,
that a much higher percentage of our young people are staying
with the Church and becoming baptized.
But when things were