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The ministers meeting with �r. Armstrong was warm and open. Mr. Armstrong
brought us up to date on the Work of God. He appeared as a loving parent
encouraging all of us to let God work in and through us. Many local elders
had never seen or heard Mr. Armstrong in person and were made to feel even
more a part of this Work of God.
The visit of God's apostle provided great incentive for the members of
God's Church to press on toward the Kingdom of God. He left all of us
enthused and desirous of working with him under Christ's guidance to finish
the job God has given us to do.
Y.O.U. Track
The Y.0.U. Calendar mentions "before May 10
as the date for district
track, and "before May 24" as the date for regional track. Please be aware
of these dates and work with the district and regional coordinators in your
area to make the track season a successful one.
Ribbons for district track have already been mailed to the district coor­
dinators. Medals for regional track are currently being made.
The men named below have agreed to coordinate the re g ional event:
Region l: Lloyd Briggie
Briscoe Ellett
Region 2: Garvin Greene
Jim Reyer
Region 3: Marc Masterson
Region 7: Ron Howe
Dave Havir
Roger Foster
Please contact these men for details on regional track, and your district
coordinator for details on district track.
It is not crucial that outlying church areas go to "their" region's track
meet when another is substantially closer. However, when an area jumps
regions in track, both the regional coordinators involved and the national
office should be advised.
Orderin g Ministerial Business Cards
The statement in the last PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT concerning the ordering
of ministerial business cards needs some clarification. The field minis­
ters should continue to order business cards using the Ministerial Supply
Request form as has been done in the past. These requests will be forwarded
to Purchasing once they are received in Pasadena.
Concerning the timing of orders for business cards, the Purchasing Depart­
ment wants to handle all routine requests on a quarterly basis with orders
being submitted on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st. This
will enable Purchasing to get a better price by having larger quantities to
order. To make this system work the field ministry will have to anticipate
their need for business cards and place their requests prior to these dates
so as to avoid running out.
If someone in the field ministry is transferred to a new area or has a sud­
den need for more business cards, they can be ordered on an urgent basis.
In this case the business cards will be printed up as soon as possible with­
out waiting for the routine ordering date.