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In Mr. Kessler's accusations an incorrect statement he makes regarded Mr.
Armstrong's salary.
This will be explained in the next PASTOR GENERAL'S
REPORT. It is interesting to note that this exact erroneous figure has
appeared in another section of the country in which a Church-related
problem is occurring.
Another point interesting to note is that in September of 1981, Mr. Kessler
expressed a desire to continue service to the Church. His letter at that
time made no mention of any of the accusations in the "leaked" letter. It
would certainly seem to be improper to assume that Mr. Kessler possessed
the facts underlying his horrendous accusations at that time. Therefore,
if we conclude he had no such facts we must then assume that he fell heir to
all such facts some time between September 1981 and December 1981. There­
fore, the question is when, where and how did he receive such a divine
Accusations Suspect by Possible Motives
Most all the accusations in the "leaked" letter appear to be of ancient
origin. This was even conceded to by a Deputy Attorney General who was
quoted in the newspaper as saying that Kessler's charges "are the type of
financial transactions that our suit was concerned with." What prompted
their resurrection?
Could it have been the fact of the Church's own
Is it possible that some of the motives behind the "leaked" letter
engender such harassment that former dismissed personnel would be, along
with Mr. Kessler, drafted back into the ranks of the Church with its finan­
cial blessings?
Could it be possible that a motive would be to create an ostensible furor of
problems? A furor so great it would prove beyond a doubt that the Church
could only have achieved its present position of power and prestige due to
the acumen of some of the formerly discharged persons? Could it be to prove
that without the presence of these persons constantly at the ship's helm
the ship is bound for inevitable destruction?
At this point of time we do not purport to suggest any answer to these ques­
tions or impute any motives. Time and truth will themselves do this.
Time does not permit the type of response the accusations call for. There­
fore, such responses shall follow.
--Ralph K. Helge, Legal Office
by Herbert
One local pastor called me at my home to ask whether Mr. Joseph Tkach
is really "boss" over the field ministry.
I have placed Mr. Tkach in a sensitive position which could bring em­
barrassment and even persecution to him. I think it's time I make his posi­
tion CLEAR so all of you can UNDERSTAND!