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previously (395,000 divorces granted in 1959).
These statistics do not
include the hundreds of thousands of couples constantly shifting in and out
of "living together" arrangements.
2) Abortions: A record 1.55 million legal abortions were performed in the
United States in 1980, ending about one of every four pregnancies. The 1980
figure was more than double the 774,000 legal abortions performed on demand
in 1973, the first year of legalized abortions in the nation. Now research­
ers believe they have come up with the "perfect" (minus some side-effects)
abortion procedure--a vaginal suppository. Laboratory tests are said to be
very promising, ensuring over 90% "effectiveness." Perhaps American women
will soon be able to match the abortion records of the Gentile nations, such
as the Soviet Union where the average Russian woman has six abortions dur­
ing her lifetime (many experts believe the figure is much higher than
3) Sodomy: The "gay rights" movement in America is so far advanced that 80
percent of American colleges and universities have recognized student
organizations for homosexual activities! The homosexual clubs (such as the
"Gay Scientists" club at neighboring Cal Tech) have the same access to
general funds as other recognized student organizations. This trend is so
establisi1ed that Ambassador College occasionally receives promotional cir­
culars (advE=rtising gay speakers, etc.) addressed to its "Gay Students
Organization"--the assumption being that the college of course has such a
In California, Governor Jerry Brown has appointed a gay activist lawyer to
the prestigious University of Californi� Board of Regents--the first time
an avowed homosexual has served as regent.
4) Immoral "entertainment": Commercial television executives are very con­
cerned over the mushrooming demand for cable television, with its "no holds
barred" programing (such as the "Ugly George" show in New York featuring
the host and his female guest in full frontal nudity) that doesn't have to
be supervised by the FCC. Even Johnny Carson's ratings are down, not to NBC
or CBS, but to the impact of cablevision and the purchase of movies for home
video players (half of all sales are for X-rated movies). Then there is
pornography in general which is now so widespread that one social critic
calls it "nothing less than the dominant literature of America."
Preachers, Politicians Blinded
Americans simply cannot connect their plummeting moral standards with the
political fires raging on America's doorstep, leading to ultimate social
upheaval in America itself--with likely massive waves of aliens swarming
in, and eventually flight and captivity of native Americans from their own
land. They haven't been told by their preachers (too busy with such "burn­
ing issues" as the ordination of gay ministers or the support of guerrilla
armies in Africa) that God will punish heavily for such sins.
Regarding homosexuality and other sexual vices, God thunders: "Do not de­
file yourselves by any of these things, for by all these the nations I am
casting out before you defiled themselves; and the land became defiled...
do � of these abominations...lest the land vomit you out, when you
defile it, as it vomited out the nation that was before you" (Leviticus
18:24, 26, 28, R.S.V. ).