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Dear Mr. Tkach:
The Ministerial Refreshing Program we have just completed was our
third opportunity to spend time on campus since our sabbatical of
1977-1978. Each time we have returned to Pasadena since the sab­
batical, we have observed many positive and encouraging changes.
However, this trip more than any other, was truly a wonderful
experience spiritually and physically.
Everything about this Refresher, beginning with the privilege of
hearing Mr. Armstrong's address on predestination (including his
"pep talk"), and then the presentations covering the ministry,
the Church, doctrine, and the many aspects of the Work and its
growth, was both inspiring and practical as well as being sat­
urated with God's Holy Spirit.
What a spiritual feast! What a spiritual renewal!
The impact that Mr. Armstrong's presence in Pasadena has made on
everyone and on the Work was clearly evident.
The spirit of cooperation is visible and shining. The spirit of
"be subject one to another, and be clothed with all humility" was
manifest. This must be pleasing to God. The dedication, enthu­
siasm and spiritual growth of all our mentors have imparted to us
refreshed enthusiasm and purpose in serving those for whom God
has made us responsible.
Please thank Mr. Armstrong for his wisdom in deciding to continue
the MRP. Thank you also for refreshing us on many of the things
Christ restored to the Church through Mr. Armstrong during past
conferences, articles, etc. And thanks to all those who gave of
themselves and went above what was required of them to make the
program so successful.
Lyall and Wynnis Johnston
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Please convey my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Armstrong and all the
members of the faculty, your staff, as well as those of all the
other departments who cooperated in such a beautiful way to make
MRP #2 the tremendous success God intended it to be!! (I'll con­
vey my gratitude to Him personally for a long time to come, be­
cause the experience of being in the program leaves a very long­
lasting impression.)
To one who had never before seen the earthly nerve center of
God's Work, the fantastic beauty of the campus coupled with a
prevailing spirit of brotherly love, hospitality and service
wasn't just impressive--it was overwhelming!
I am making a sincere effort to share the inspiration and knowl­
edge with our local brethren. Again--thank you.
Eldon Davis
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services