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Cubans--the Modern-day "Philistines"
"The Cuban government is without question one of the nastiest at home,"
adds Carlos Rangel, the noted Venezuelan author, "and most aggressive
abroad of all Communist regimes. This regime has practically ceased to
claim that Communism has improved the lot of the Cuban people. Now it says
that improvements will have to wait upon the destruction of the last rem­
nants of capitalism and the worldwide triumph of communism..•. �uba prides J
itself on being the spearhead of a world Communist revolution against the
West, and most especially the United States."
Cuba has spread its venom to Nicaragua. Nicaragua's new national anthem,
as decreed by its leftist government, has a line referring to the U.S. �s
"the enemy of mankind."
In the face of its own internal failure, why then is Castro succeeding? The
fact is, a Communist Cuba exists for one primary purpose today: It acts as
an agent to trouble and curse America, just as neighboring nations troubled
Israel in the times of the judges whenever Israel lapsed into sin!
Judges 13: 1. Notice also Deuteronomy 28: 20 and 25: "The Lord wi11 send
upon you curses, confusion, and frustration, in all that you undertake to
do, until you are destroyed and perish quickly, on account of the evil of
your doings, because you have forsaken me•.••The Lord will cause you to be
defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them, and
flee seven ways before them.•• " (R.S.V.).
Whichever way the U.s. chooses to fight in Central Arnerica, it wi11 not win!
If America's side "wins" the U.S. would be labeled worldwide a champion of
oppression. A leftist victory, however, especially after a protracted war
and against deep American involvement, would a,noirnt to a shattering defeat
for the U.S., propelling Soviet/Cuban influence in the region.
"On account of the evil of your doings," God says. The evil inside America
is too extensive to recount--but it is worsening all the time. And now
gross immorality is on the verge of being brought into homes of people all
across the country in the form of "adult entertainrnent" on cable tele­
vision--entertainment of the form that Mr. Reagan has condemned but is
powerless to do anything about in our "free" society.
By June of this year, for example, over 200 cable systems will be carrying
progcaming from the Playboy-Escapade channel. This outfit produces such
programs as "Everything Goes," an "adult" game show which is sort of a cross
between "Hollywood Squares" and "strip poker."
If a woman contestant
guesses a question (usually a lewd one) incorrectly, the male contestant
removes an article of her clothing. And vice versa. On a recent show
("reviewed" in the LOS ANGELES TIMES) the woman contestant was down to
nothing but a G-string by the end of the half-hour. (The male contestant
was also asked to guess the identity of three females standing behind a wall
by looking at their exposed bosoms.) Obviously as cablevision expands, so
will immorality.
America has lost its way, broken loose of its moral moorings. No wonder God
has removed His blessings and is allowing the modern "Philistines" to move
in for the kill. In a remarkable essay in the December, 1981 issue of
HARPER'S magazine, famed Italian author Luigi Barzini writes this in his
article, "The Americans":