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one. Notice that the dates of the weekly and annual Sabbaths are high­
lighted in red.
Illustrated Ministerial Supplement Nears Completion
Ministerial Services and The WORLDWIDE NEWS are planning to distribute an
up-to-date listing of the entire ordained ministry of the Worldwide Church
of God. This Ministerial Supplement is now nearing completion, with the
mailing scheduled for March of this year.
Included within this special publication will be a listing of the Advisory
Council of Elders, as well as photographs of all the evangelists, regional
directors and full-time ministers of God's Church. Following these photos,
there will be two complete listings: one of the full-time ministers and
their assigned churches, and the other showing all local church elders and
the churches they serve.
The supplement will conclude with a special
feature about the Ministerial Refreshing Program.
The 34-page supplement will be printed in black and white, and will be
saddle-etitched (as magazines are) for durability. One copy will be mailed
to all regular recipients of The WORLDWIDE NEWS.
Y.E.S. Update
Due to the current workload of the Publishing Department, printing and
mailing of the new Y.E.S. Lessons is being rescheduled. We are hoping to
produce one lesson of each grade level every month and will mail the lessons
on a monthly basis as we are able from now through September, 1982. Lesson
One of all nine levels is in the mail with Lessons Two through Five in
various stages of production.
Once again we would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation, and
apologize for the delay in distribution. When a lesson is printed each
Church Pastor will receive a complete set for each church he pastors. We
will keep you updated as each lesson comes along, and if we can answer any
questions please don't hesitate to contact the Y.O.U. Office in Pasadena.
(See the end of the Ministerial Services section for comments about the
special Feast Lessons.)
International News
Spanish Language Area Report As a result of the Spanish Department's pre­
sentation Mr. Leon Walker, Regional Director, made to Mr. Armstrong in
Mexico City last November, approval was given to boost Spanish PT circula­
tion to the 200,000 mark by December, 1982. This essentially represents a
doubling of the present PV 1ist. Since PV subscribers are renewed on a
yearly basis, about half of the current list will drop off in 1982, which
means that a total of 160,000 new subscribers will need to be added in order
to reach the 200,000 level! This will represent a challenging, yet welcome
undertaking for employees of the Spanish Department.
Mario Seiglie, pastor of the Santiago, Chile congregation, conducted four
PLAIN TRUTH lectures in that city November 27-28 and December 11-12, which
were attended by a total of 100 new people!
Almost 1,050 prime PV sub-