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It was a year of consolidating and expanding our media coverage. As the
months progressed, areas which were lacking in radio and television cover­
age were surveyed and many new stations added. Presently The WORLD TOMOR­
ROW program can be heard on 116 radio stations and seen over 378 TV channels
throughout Canada and Alaska (TV includes satellite and relay stations).
As the months progressed, The PLAIN TRUTH list steadily increased in circu­
lation. It had reached almost 230,000 in English and French by August, but
the renewal program reduced that in the last two months of the year. Pres­
ently the subscriber list stands at 190,743 in both languages. New sub­
scribers who were added this year totaled 38,630.
The newsstand program grew quickly as ministers and members took a more
direct hand in the distribution. In Ontario, contracts were signed with
large outlets, particularly the Cara group which opened up shops in air­
ports and hotels throughout Canada. As of December, over 200,000 copies in
English and French are going to the public through various stores and
Our advertising program did not begin until late in the year. A crippling
postal strike during the summer months virtually brought our operations to
a standstill. As a result, we were late in getting started and it was
November before we began to advertise in national magazines. MACLEAN'S,
some of the magazines in which we placed full-page advertisements for The
By the end of the year we had received a total of 11,702
During 1981 we received 243,127 pieces of mail and mailed out over 294,000
pieces of literature. This kept our office staff of 20 busy (except during
the mail strike}. Total income for the year was a +21.6% over 1980, of
which about $400,000 was help for some international areas. Of the total
income received in 1981, 82.3% came from members and 17.7% from co-workers
and donors.
Church attendance this year increased by about four percent.
On the
average, nearly 10,000 people attend Sabbath services each week. Baptisms
were up in 1981 by 10.2% and membership now stands at almost 6,000. Future
growth seems assured as we received nearly 800 new visit requests during
the year. This was up 34% over 1980. Serving the needs of the 76 churches
throughout Canada are 52 full-time ministers, 25 local church elders and
five ministerial trainees.
Over 9,000 people were registered for the Feast of Tabernacles this past
fall. At�n� was almost '"' 500. Holy Day offerings over the seven
annual feast days were up by 22.8%.
The highlight for many Canadian brethren last year was the visit of Mr.
Armstrong to Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Calgary. Thousands came to
hear his important messages. It is hoped that Mr. Armstrong can visit other
cities in Canada in 1982.
As we go into 1982 we see increased spending in the areas of the first com­
mission, with plans to increase advertising expense by 100%, radio and
television by 54% and the newsstand program by 68%. International assist­
ance will increase by over 280%! But that story will have to wait until the
end of next year.