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Total requests for the PT as a result of the TV broadcast were up 489%, and
55% for the radio program.
The December PT worldwide circulation reached 4.2 million, setting an all­
time Worldwide Church of God circulation record. This includes both sub­
scription and newsstand circulation.
God's Work is definitely back on the right track!
U.S. Naval Base to Receive PT Newsstand
Mr. Roland Sampson of Bermuda has mentioned that the U.S. Naval Air Station
there will soon begin PLAIN TRUTH newsstand distribution. There are over
2,000 base personnel on the island. According to a letter from an officer
at the station, they plan to make the PT available at the base post office.
--Raymond L. Wright, Publishing Services
1981: Another Year of Continued Growth
With 1961 now lapsed into history, the growth in God's Work as reflected
through the activities in MPC has again been very encouraging. Some of the
highlights for 1981 are as follows.
Mail Received Increases 17.2%
Nearly 2.6 million pieces of mail were received in 1981--a 17.2% increase
over the previous year and the highest total in seven years. Within the
overall total of mail received, radio and television mail was up 128% over
1980! Also, newsstand cards increased 75% over 1980. The above figures do
not include 334,800 Holy Day offering envelopes.
The department was also responsible for routing 123,850 pieces of inter­
national mail and approximately 90,000 items of campus mail.
WATS Response Leaps Ahead
Phone response to The WORLD TOMORROW telecast increased by 444% over 1980!
The highest-pulling television programs were:
"The Plain Truth About Christmas"--8,958 calls
"A Tribute to Anwar Sadat"--8,430 calls
"Prophecy and the United States"--7,171 calls
At the beginning of 1981, 55 stations aired The WORLD TOMORROW telecast. By
the end of the year this increased to 107.
Since January, 1971 (the beginning of our WATS service), we have answered
three million phone calls.
More Than 37.5 Million Pieces of Literature Sent Out (U.S. Only)
During the past year, 37,581,493 pieces of literature were mailed in the
United States. This breaks down as follows: