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better by having meals in the same hotel with them and addressing relevant
themes during the evening Bible studies (which the ministers alternated in
Looking back on 1981, we are very pleased to see that we surpassed our goal
of adding 50,000 new subscribers to The PLAIN TRUTH mailing list. Fifty­
four thousand were added worldwide, due to our 1981 advertising campaign.
A total of 47,000 were added to the German-language file, with the remain­
ing 7,000 (15%) requesting other language editions.
The major portion of our advertising took place in the spring and fall of
the year. Such prominent newspapers and magazines as Germany's prestigeous
daily DIE WELT, Switzerland's SCHWEIZER BEOBACHTER and Austria's DIE
PRESSE, PROFIL and TREND circulated a total of 670,000 PLAIN TRUTH flyers
in 1981. However, our best results came from a full-page ad with a glued-on
postcard in the internationally-known weekly news magazine DER SPIEGEL
(Oct. 19 edition). So far, 21,000 responses from 60 different countries
have been received.
From advertising alone we received over 42,000 new subscribers with a cost
per response of $2.32. Consequently, even with continual renewals, the
KLAR & v:AHR subscription list has nearly doubled from 40,000 subscribers in
December 1980 to 79,000 in December 1981.
During the course of the year we also renewed some 40,000 subscribers, giv­
ing us a clean list to make room for new subscribers.
Mail in 1981 was up 36% over 1980. We received 199,285 pieces of mail in
1981. Also 35% more booklets were sent out. And 53% more Correspondence
Course lessons were sent out than in the previous year. In all, it was a
year of strong, positive growth in the German-language area of God's Work.
In 1981 we also printed some 45,000 booklets to meet the increasing number
of requests from the new subscribers. Also 30,000 copies of Mr.
strong's soft-bound edition of THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL were printed,
as well as 30,000 soft-bound MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX books. In addition,
in December 10,000 of Mr. Armstrong's new booklet NEVER BEFORE UNDERSTOOD
were printed run-on with the English version.
God has also been pouring out many financial blessings. For December,
1981, our mail income was up 11.7% over our very good month of December,
1980. And despite a slow start, the income in 1981 has reached a 28% in­
crease over 1980. We attribute this mainly to the rapid growth in the KLAR
& WAHR subscription list.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
The comment by Mr.
Armstrong on how the ladies responded in Pasadena to the make-up
decision was very encouraging. Some were feeling pretty down and
needed the encouragement.
They are doing quite well!
really had no hang-ups, just readjusting pains which for the most
part are al1 behind now. Make-up is no longer a part of God's
Church in Middlesboro. We really appreciate every one of Mr.
Armstrong's taped sermons.