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The financial staff also uses a much broader index called the GNP Implicit
Price Deflater to measure the effect of inflation on the Work. It is based
on all goods and services included in the U.S. Gross National Product.
Graphs produced using both indexes were very similar, so the one we are
using here is the more familiar Consumer Price Index.
From this graph, it is clearly evident that the actual purchasing power of
income received reached a peak in 1972, then dropped off dramatically to a
low point in 1979, and has been slowly increasing since then.
We hope that you are urgently praying that God will bless His Church with
greater increases so that we can continue to expand even more rapidly in
sending His message to the world.
--Leroy Neff, Treasurer's Office
Important Y.O.U. Announcement
The Y.O.U. Office is now accepting applications for high school and college
staff positions for the Summer Educational Program in Orr. Applications
must be in the mail no later than February 12th. This year's application
requires the local minister's evaluation/recommendation. The Y.O.U. Office
will rely heavily on ministerial recommendations and wishes to thank you in
advance for your assistance in this area.
Please inform your congregations that interested high school and college
students should call or write the Y.O.U. Office to obtain an application.
We are pleased to announce that in addition to the Orr campsite, approxi­
mately 300 campers will be accepted to Big Sandy for a four-week session
(July 1-27) on the Ambassador College campus. Applicants to Big Sandy
should be those who have attended the Orr camp at least once in the past,
since activities at this site will be advanced level.
Camper applications will automatically be sent to all Church pastors in
early February. Camper applications to either site must be in the mail no
later than March 15th.
International News
Philippines--End-of-year Summary Great excitement rippled among the breth­
ren as news reached the office this month concerning two major events that
will further help fulfill the Great Commission in this part of Asia.
The first is Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong's planned visit to the
Philippines in early February. Mr. Armstrong held a successful two-night
campaign in the Philippine International Convention Center in Manila last
January. He will again speak at PICC on February 6 and 7. A first-time
campaign in Cebu, the country's second largest city, is also being planned
for February 4. As in the past, Mr. Armstrong will meet with government
officials and civic leaders.
The second piece of news is the possibility of The WORLD TOMORROW program
being aired on nationwide television early this year, thanks to the finan-