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auditorium and a place for the headquarters church to worship God. "I knew
Pasadena was only a temporary headquarters for now and for this genera­
tion," he said. "But I knew it [the Auditorium] should be fine. It should
have the character of God." so he prayed about it. He asked God to show
him if He wanted it to be built.
Being mindful of Christ's parable warning against starting what you are not
able to finish, Mr. Armstrong knew God would have to make it financially
Several large insurance companies finally agreed to loan the
money. (The cost was approximately 12 million dollars, and that included
the combination track/parking structure.) "It came as a result of prayer,"
Mr. Armstrong explained. "It came by the will of the eternal, living God
and His Son, and the Head of this Church, Jesus Christ. And they have
blessed it in every way."
Though it was never intended to rival Solomon's temple, the Auditorium was
to be a house for God. Brethren around the world have contributed to help
make it possible and, appropriately, it is composed of the finest building
materials from around the world. Since it represents God it had to be the
finest of its kind. And, as Mr. Armstrong stated unequivocally, it is the
Now standing resplendent at the temporary headquarters of God's work,
Ambassador Auditorium is used virtually everyday. Mr. Armstrong concluded,
"It's here for you to enjoy and it's here for us to worship God in. It's
here for us to share with this whole community of southern California."
TV Program Now Aired in Europe
The first two programs of the French subtitled WORLD TOMORROW TV program
airing on TV Luxembourg have brought a fine response from Belgium and
Northern France. The majority of letters are requesting French literature,
some English and even one request was for Dutch publications.
Due to rescheduling, Mr. Armstrong's special TV
programs, "Mideast Special I" (meeting with
President Mubarak of Egypt) and "Mideast Special
II" (Mr. Armstrong's Nile Hilton speech), will be
broadcast nationwide in the U.S. on the weekends
of January 23-24 and 30-31.
January 12, 1982
I have just received the final United States income figures for 1981. We
ended the year with a 17.4% increase over 1980. This increase, though very
healthy, is not nearly as great as the increases the Work was blessed with
in the early years. But it is a good increase that we should appreciate and
for which we can thank God. The cost-of-living increase for the same period
is about 9% to 11%, depending on which scale is used. Therefore, the net
increase is about 6% to 8% in purchasing power.